A small farmer’s lawsuit leads to a statewide change, a federal judge gives midwives’ lawsuit a green light, and the Swampbuster Act comes under scrutiny. Here’s what’s on The Docket.

Minnesota removes race- and sex-based grant preferences after PLF lawsuit  

Minnesota offers up to $15,000 toward down payments for farmland. The program distributes grants through a lottery—but even if you’re among the first chosen in the lottery, you can be bumped to the back of the line based on your skin color or sex. That’s what happened to Lance Nistler, who sued in January with PLF’s help.

The Minnesota Reformer questioned PLF’s involvement in Lance’s case, asking why a national firm with Supreme Court wins would represent a small farmer. But PLF opposes all race- and sex-based preferences in government—and five months after we helped Lance file his lawsuit, Minnesota removed the discriminatory preferences from the program.

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Federal judge rules midwives’ lawsuit can continue 

Two Iowa midwives, represented by PLF, are challenging the state’s certificate-of-need law, which prevents them from opening a new birth center. Last week, a judge ruled their lawsuit can move forward.

Certificate-of-need laws require medical businesses to prove to regulators there’s a need for their business. Competitors are given an opportunity to weigh in and essentially veto the proposed new business—hurting patients and economic freedom. 

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American Thinker: An out-of-control administrative state turns a parking lot into a mine

“Sometimes, bureaucratic decisions are downright absurd,” Janet Levy writes in American Thinker, “such as, most recently, designating a parking lot a coal mine!” She’s talking about PLF’s KC Transport case—which PLF is asking the Supreme Court to consider—in which the Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration insists on treating a trucking company like a mine because its trucks often haul coal.  

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Strict scrutiny for women 

Women’s suffrage was the most significant legal paradigm shift for gender equality of the 20th century. The right to vote is one of our fundamental rights as Americans. At almost a quarter of the way through the 21st century, it’s time for gender equality’s next legal paradigm shift: Sex discrimination claims should get strict scrutiny, PLF attorney Erin Wilcox argues.  

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AgWeb: Swampbuster challenged by Iowa farmland owner in blockbuster lawsuit  

“My wetland isn’t wet,” farm owner Jim Conlan tells AgWeb, explaining his bizarre battle with the Department of Agriculture. “It’s the polar opposite of a wetland.” Despite the facts, federal regulators are abusing the law to act as judge and jury over private land, broadly labeling farmland as wetlands and denying agricultural benefits to farmers who farm on those designated acres—even if they’re clearly not wetlands.

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