John, this is the VPP Membership team and we have bad news, we didn’t reach our 150 Democratic Supporter Membership launch goal!
If we’re going to stand ANY chance of defeating Trump’s MAGA revolution we need the White House Majority, Senate Majority, AND House Majority.
You are receiving this message because you did not complete your Democratic Membership: Click here to confirm your support NOW »
Did you know the MAGA mob is dumping MILLIONS of dark money each month into a huge war chest to buy more years in power?
This election is the RISKIEST of all time, there’s too much at stake to stand idly by, John.
This moment is crucial, John, so we’re giving you one more chance to correct the record: Please, join Florida Democrats in claiming your membership by chipping in $7 by 11:59 pm TONIGHT »
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
We’re on the verge of a takeover, John, don’t ignore.
– Voter Protection Project Membership Team