May Day Challenge

Deadline: April 28

Dear John,

International Workers Day was first celebrated in 1904, to honor the martyrs of the Haymarket uprising with mass demonstrations for the eight-hour day, workers’ rights, and world peace.

This year, we celebrate the courage and selflessness of those workers on the front lines of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. We express our solidarity with essential workers, who often are paid and treated as if they were expendable, especially the undocumented workers excluded even from the “too little, too late” relief measures passed by Congress.

This year, we can’t take to the streets with signs and banners, but we can still show our working-class pride and solidarity. We encourage everyone to participate in relief efforts in your neighborhood. Contribute to a solidarity fund, like those listed
here. Organize a caravan with signs and music.

We’re also issuing this May Day Challenge. Make a May Day face mask to show your solidarity (
instructions here). Or a sign for your window. Recite some poetry, play some music, or cook something that reflects working-class culture and values. Send a picture, recipe, or short video (2 min or less) by April 28 to [email protected]. We’ll publish them on our website and social media, and our editors will select the best mask and best other contribution for special recognition.

This May Day, remember: stay socially distant, but socialistically close.

In solidarity,

Website Collective


Communist Party USA
235 W. 23rd Street, 7th floor
New York, NY 10011
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