Dear John,
In just a few weeks—on June 30—First Liberty will wrap up another year on the frontlines of the battle defending your First Amendment right to freely exercise your faith.
This year has been full of critical victories for religious liberty and new hostile attacks on people of faith.
I can tell you that the fight for faith has never been more difficult and that the enemies of faith have never been more determined. But at the same time, I have never been more excited about the future of religious freedom.
Our clients, cases, causes and supporters like you fill us with hope and inspiration.
That’s why on Tuesday June 25th, we’re inviting you to celebrate that hope with us on our 2nd Annual First Freedom Day.

Last year, we gathered together to celebrate the one-year anniversary of our landmark victory for Coach Joe Kennedy. Then 2 days later, we rejoiced as the Supreme Court handed down a precedent-setting victory for Gerald Groff.
Because of God’s favor and your faithful support, we’ve now won 9 key cases at the Supreme Court and can expand religious freedom in ways we’ve only dreamed of.
These key cases include:
- Faithful Postal Carrier Gerald Groff’s brave stand expanded the right for all employees to have their religious beliefs and practices accommodated in the workplace.
- Coach Joe Kennedy’s fight secured the right for teachers, coaches and all government employees to express their faith at work.
- Treat Children Fairly made sure that no one can be excluded from government funding programs for religious reasons.
- The Bladensburg Peace Cross established the right for monuments and memorials with religious imagery to stand on public grounds.
While we’re excited to celebrate what these victories mean for the future of religious liberty, First Freedom Day isn’t just about our wins at the Supreme Court.
It’s about standing up to the ongoing threats to houses of worship, faith-based businesses and expressions of faith in the workplace and public square.
It’s about fighting back against the godless bureaucrats, antifaith activists and faithless corporations that want to silence your faith.
And it’s about preparing the next generation to be first in the fight for religious freedom.
It’s Time to be Strong and Courageous. Maximize Your Impact in the Fight for Faith Through June 30th.
John, you are the reason we’ve been able to fight the good fight for faith.
Thanks to your prayers and financial support, we’ve won crucial victory after crucial victory. We’ve protected and expanded our right to express our faith.
But we’re not done yet. The fight for faith is far from over.
This First Freedom Day, you can deliver a blow to the enemies of faith by putting us in the best financial position possible to defend religious freedom.
And right now is the best time to join First Liberty on the frontlines in this critical fight. Our $400,000 Challenge Grant multiplies the impact of your gift now through June 30th.
Yes, I’ll multiply my impact for freedom now >>
Together, we can fight for the future of faith in America. I pray you will join me and my team in this battle for our values, our Constitution and our nation.
Grateful for you,
Kelly Shackelford, Esq. President, CEO & Chief Counsel First Liberty Institute