STOP THE BLEED® Project teaches Lexington how to provide help in emergencies
Fox56 News | May 24th
By Daegiona Wilson
A national emergency education group visited Lexington to teach the public what to prepare for when a bleeding accident arises.
Stop the Bleed Project is a national campaign to train the public on how to save lives and stop traumatic bleeding. May 23 is ‘Stop the Bleed’ Day. UK Healthcare, along with the Lexington Fire Department, held a training event for the public on the ABCs of Stop the Bleed.
According to the project, the average bleed-out time after an injury is 3-5 minutes.
Amie Peel, UK Trauma Education Coordinator, said, “There is that gap in time that a person could survive if some bystander would just intervene and hold pressure. So, this is all about saving lives today.”