If implemented fully, Project 2025 would have grave consequences for the country.
As Election Day nears, we know it’s easy to miss certain news stories, especially if they’re political in nature.
While Donald Trump continues to generate no shortage of headlines, his and the GOP’s 900-page ‘Project 2025’ — a far-right playbook written by the MAGA Heritage Foundation to transform our democracy into autocracy hasn’t received the coverage we think it really should. And it’s worse than you may think, John.
Here’s just a preview of what we can expect to see if Trump is reelected this November:
- The mass firing of tens of thousands of civil servants deemed not sufficiently loyal to Trump and his MAGA cronies
- The erasure of environmental protections
- Intense crackdowns on immigration, new restrictions on legal immigration pathways, and mass deportations
- Strip away reproductive and LGBTQ+ rights1
And that's just the start, John. In addition, the far-right wishlist seeks to “infuse Christianity” into all spheres of society and end the relative independence of federal agencies to implement their agenda more forcefully.
Project 2025 is nothing more than a roadmap to fascism, John. It exemplifies the Republican Party’s eager continued embrace of right-wing extremism. The fact it has gone undercovered by the media is reprehensible.
If you ask us, Project 2025 is more than enough to convince us to help reelect President Biden this November, but polling suggests it’s going to be an immensely close race so it’s going to take all of us to propel Biden to victory.
Can you chip in any amount you can afford right now to help reelect President Biden this year?
With appreciation,
— LeftNet
1 - The Guardian