Rep. Jamaal Bowman has two weeks left
in his primary campaign and needs our support to defeat his
MAGA-funded opponent.
Dear Friend,
This week marks Shavuot, when we celebrate receiving the Torah and
committing to a set of communal values. It is also when we read The
Book of Ruth, a story in which, despite having a different faith and
background, Ruth professes her love and commitment to
Naomi: “Wherever you go, I will go,” Ruth says. “Wherever
you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your G-d
my G-d.”
Right now, big corporations, billionaire Trump donors, and
Republicans are trying to divide our communities to serve their
corrupt interests. We're watching it happen in the NY-16 Congressional
primary race, and that’s why Bend the Arc: Jewish Action
Riverdale joined #JewsForJamaal — a beautiful, multiracial,
multigenerational coalition of Jews and allies working together to
reelect Rep. Jamaal Bowman. We know what our values are, and we know
that when we’re united — like Ruth and Naomi — we build real power to
make lasting change.
#JewsForJamaal phonebanks take place every Thursday at 6pm
ET. Join
us this Thursday, June 13 for a special opportunity to phonebank at
the close of Shavuot! You don’t have to live in New
York to be part of #JewsForJamaal; you can join from
Building communities committed to solidarity and mutual thriving —
the values our people received on Shavuot — is what Rep. Bowman’s
campaign is all about. He’s a progressive champion who shares our
vision of a country where neighbors take care of each other, our
institutions invest in communities over incarceration, and everyone
lives with safety and dignity.

We recognize that
it is not in everyone’s Jewish practice to phonebank on a holiday — if
that is you, join us next week!
Reelecting Rep. Bowman is an urgent priority. He will fight in the
halls of Congress for the futures of his constituents and working
people across the country. And this race has national
implications too — it may define who controls Congress.
Because Rep. Bowman has taken bold stances for justice, MAGA
mega-donors and private prison profiteers are spending millions to
attack him, making this the most expensive race in the U.S. The GOP
has registered Republicans as Democrats to impact the Democratic
primary against him. And his primary opponent’s largest donors are
Republicans. In fact, these are the same donors who helped end
Roe v. Wade and who supported Trump’s failed coup. That’s why
Rep. Bowman is the only candidate in this race endorsed by Planned
Chag sameach (wishing you a joyful holiday),