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#AfterThis: A collective hug from NCRC
Join our tweetstorm tomorrow, April 16 at 2pm ET

Dear NCRC friends,

COVID-19 has completely exposed inequality and injustice that was there before the pandemic. And while it is important to talk about the lack of financial and health support for millions of Americans, we also want to look ahead and talk about what happens after the crisis is over.

That’s why we are launching the #AfterThis virtual festival this Thursday - and we'd like you "there." OK, "there" is online - but we need you. Please help launch AfterThis by sharing your messages with your friends, family and contacts - and by participating Thursday afternoon in a Tweetstorm! 

Think about what's important to you and then get creative. Make a video, paint a picture, write a song or poem. Or … try to boil it down to five words in a tweet.

Then at 2pm on Thursday, April 16, share your creation(s) on Twitter. Be sure to include the hashtags: #AfterThis and #JustEconomy and link to:

You can find more info about #AfterThis and some sample posts here. 
Thank you for all that you do and stay safe!

Alyssa Wiltse
Media Manager, NCRC
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