Dear John,
One December night in 1985, as my schizophrenic mother walked out onto the streets, she said to me, “You . . . you are a clone of my dead daughter.” She was psychotic and completely unaware of her condition. I was distraught, concerned I would never see my mother again, that she would end up dead.
I immediately called Dr. E. Fuller Torrey, the one person who had taken interest in helping Mom when, years earlier, she’d ended up in a shelter where he was volunteering. Dr. Torrey understood my family’s desperation, and was someone who cared deeply about everyone he thought he could help.
Once we were able to locate my mother, we sought to obtain a court order for her to be hospitalized and treated for her illness. Even though Mom was unhealthy and delusional in court, we were denied the order, and she was released. A month later, we made another attempt, and this time, Dr. Torrey, a celebrity in his own right, came to court with us! With Dr. Torrey at our side, my family was taken seriously, the second hearing was a success, and we were finally able to get my mother treatment.
I am telling you this very personal story at this time because, as you may know, Treatment Advocacy
Center is in the middle of its annual fundraising campaign that honors Dr. Torrey, and supports all of the programs and initiatives of TAC. I ask you to donate today to the Torrey Action Fund, not just because Dr. Torrey transformed my family’s life, but because of the ripple effects I have seen across generations.

Meeting Dr. Torrey opened a door that led our family from the probability of tragedy to the possibility of hope. Schizophrenia is a crisis for every member of a family. The toll it takes is immeasurable, impacting every person differently. Dr. Torrey helped us fight bureaucracy to get Mom the medical care she needed. My mother eventually resumed a productive, happy life, with many years of joy. And our family was able to heal, forge ahead, and create bright lives, thanks to this singularly wonderful man.
Because of Dr. Torrey’s inspired advocacy and the relentless work of TAC, people like my mother are not completely forsaken. Dr. Torrey has spent his life in service to people trapped by their illness and suffering alone. He has also been a lifeboat for people like me, family members and care partners
who are lost and looking for answers in a dark, and sometimes dangerous sea.
Now is the time for us to give back. TAC has set a goal to raise $200,000 this year for the Torrey Action Fund. Let’s join together and help them achieve that goal by June 30!

In partnership and gratitude,
Paula M. Hoppe
Daughter and TAC Advocate