Join Doorways' Summer Match and TRIPLE your gift!

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Increasing Needs, Growing Threats, and Shrinking Funds – But, We Can Do Something About It NOW

The need for safehousing has more than doubled

In just the last five years, the number of survivors sheltered in Doorways' safehousing has more than doubled. Last year, more than half of the 135 survivors sheltered were children. At the same time, survivors are facing greater risks and danger, with the threats and violence against them increasing in severity.

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Expected SCOTUS decisions could endanger domestic violence victims. Where’s philanthropy?

"Philanthropy has long neglected the domestic violence movement, but the stakes are getting higher, and more support is desperately needed," the Chronicle for Philanthropy reports. "That harms victims and survivors who must contend with maxed-out services, and organizations that want to expand their work to better meet survivors' needs but lack the resources to do so."

Meanwhile, "domestic violence organizations rely on government funding through the Violence Against Women Act, Victims of Crime Act, and the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act. But federal dollars for these services is declining, and organizations across the country are bracing for additional cuts in 2024."

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"Fortunately, another path is possible in which domestic violence is rare due to prevention efforts that promote non-violent communication and mutual respect in relationships. When abuse does occur, all hotline calls are answered, shelters have space for everyone and are available in all communities, attorneys can immediately respond to survivors’ needs, and laws exist to protect survivors."

5 things you can do right now to help

  1. Triple your support for survivors at Doorways with our 2:1 Summer Match: Don't miss this opportunity to make the most of your gift to help us meet the growing need for shelter and services. Donate now.
  2. Urge your Members of Congress to act now and share with them what potential cuts to VOCA will mean for programs and survivors in your state. Act now.
  3. If you are connected to a grant-maker, such as a foundation team member, share the Chronicle for Philanthropy's article, calling their attention to the suggestions for grant-making to support survivors.
  4. Educate yourself on the basic facts about domestic violence. This will prepare you to talk about the issues facing survivors and service providers. Domestic violence (also referred to as intimate partner violence (IPV), dating abuse, or relationship abuse) is a pattern of behaviors used by one partner to maintain power and control over another partner in an intimate relationship. Learn more.
  5. Talk about this issue with the people in your circles, especially those who may not be familiar with Doorways — whether it's with colleagues at lunch, with fellow parents at school/camp pickup or the playground, with friends on an outing, with family at home or on the phone, or with your connections on social media. Use these conversation starters and/or sample social media post text today:

Conversation starters:

  • Did you know that at least 1 in 3 people experiences intimate partner violence in their lifetime? (1 in 2 trans or nonbinary people, more than 1 in 3 women, and 1 in 3 men)

  • Have you heard of Doorways? The provide a comprehensive response to domestic violence and sexual assault here in Arlington, from a youth-driven prevention program to stop abuse before it starts, to our community's only emergency shelter, community-based services, and supportive housing for survivors and their children.

  • Did you know that the need for emergency shelter for survivors of domestic violence has more than doubled in recent years in Arlington?

  • Do you know what's happening with domestic violence program funding right now? Needs are increasing (in quantity and severity/urgency), threats are growing (e.g. Rahimi SCOTUS case; abortion bans increasing risk of intimate partner homicide), and funding is shrinking.

  • Have you heard about the Rahimi SCOTUS case? Did you know it could put millions of survivors in imminent danger, at the same time as programs that help survivors are losing funding?

  • Are you interested in doing something about it with me? You can do any of these 5 things to help right now (see list above).

Sample text for social media, to post with the link to the Chronicle of Philanthropy article:

I just read this article about the devastating situation facing survivors of domestic violence. The need is growing, and funding is shrinking. In my community, Doorways is providing emergency shelter for more than twice the number of survivors compared to a few years ago.

Meanwhile, Doorways and their peer organizations across the country have faced significant cuts to their federal funding, and are preparing for even more cuts. Right now, a sponsor is offering a 2:1 match when you donate to Doorways, meaning your gift is effectively tripled. Give now to help safeguard shelter and services for survivors:

Pride 🌈

Support for LGBTQIA+ Students: An open letter to the Arlington School Board

As an organization committed to creating a community where everyone is safe and free of violence, Doorways encourages our schools to take measures to safeguard the well-being of LGBTQIA+ students. Students who are part of historically oppressed and marginalized populations, including LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC youth, are at greater risk of harm and discrimination. It is critical to intentionally identify their unique needs and ensure dedicated support for them, ideally through trauma-informed best practices that recognize the disproportionate impacts of homophobia, transphobia, and racism.

Doorways is honored to support and serve LGBTQIA+ youth, survivors, and their families, and we encourage our partners to join us. To learn about hosting an event, activity, or educational workshop provided by Doorways' Prevention and Outreach Program, visit If you or someone you know needs support related to domestic and sexual violence, please call Doorways' 24-hour hotline at 703-237-0881.

Join Doorways at Arlington Pride on June 29th

Join us at Long Bridge Park in National Landing for a day filled with celebration, diversity, and love. This FREE event promises to be a fantastic gathering of the community, showcasing local talent, delicious food, and vibrant entertainment. Come together with friends, family, and allies to show your support and embrace the spirit of pride. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be a part of something special - mark your calendars and get ready to have an unforgettable time at the Arlington Pride Festival 2024!

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Save the date: Open Hearts, Open Doors is October 30th!

Help create pathways out of homelessness, domestic violence, and sexual assault. Give the gift of safe harbor, healing, and hope today.

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