From Virginia Christian Alliance <[email protected]>
Subject Current NEWS from Virginia Christian Alliance for 06/11/2024
Date June 11, 2024 12:02 PM
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** Armageddon Architects ([link removed])
By Terry James on Jun 11, 2024 05:41 am

[link removed] growing worldwide pressure surrounding God’s chosen nation in news reports hourly, the word picture drawn by the prophet Joel comes ever-clearer into focus: For,...

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** Once Again, Democrats Argue Women Can Only Succeed If They Kill Their Children ([link removed])
By The Washington Stand on Jun 11, 2024 05:34 am

[link removed] Szoch | The Washington Stand In the midst of a contentious election year, Democrats are desperate to convince voters that protecting women and protecting...

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** When These Stones Speak! ([link removed])
By The John 10:10 Project on Jun 10, 2024 06:17 pm

[link removed] 1941, work on Mt. Rushmore was completed in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The colossal monument—featuring the faces of four presidents—is a silent testimony...

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** Recent Articles:
** The Laws of Nature and of Natures God | Introduction to the Constitution ([link removed])
** ‘What Makes a Man?’ Christian Coalition Publishes Statement on Godly Masculinity ([link removed])
** Wake Up! The Russians Are NOT Bluffing ([link removed])
** America Is Under Attack ([link removed])
** Is America Becoming An Anti-Christ Nation? ([link removed]

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“America needs God more than God needs America. If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.” - Ronald Reagan

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