Dear Friend,
Our lives can seem like a constant
stream of needs. We struggle to meet them, and we are sure that
happiness is just right around the corner. St. Anthony, if he were
alive today, would encourage us to choose God's way and to seek God's
wisdom. Isn't it comforting to think of our needs falling away. It is
to me and I hope it is to you. That’s the way the clients of St.
Anthony think. They know that this great Franciscan Friar and Doctor
of the Church is pulling on God’s sleeve saying please help them, give
them the wisdom and grace to solve issues that demand immediate
attention. But most of all, give them peace.
Now is the time to personally speak
to St. Anthony, who is willing to help us, even throughout the course
of our lives.
If you haven’t had a chance
to submit your intentions or would like to
update them for the Three Holy Masses
from Tuesday, June 11
through Thursday, June 13, the
feast day, please do so now.
Let us call upon St. Anthony, a
generator of charity, to tug on God’s sleeve.
Yours in the Sacred Hearts of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family
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