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Hi Friend,
The latest
political poll is out (see midway down this email) but first, we ask
the question: when New Zealand can't afford lifesaving cancer drugs,
are hundreds of millions in new film subsidies to Hollywood film and
video game studios really the best use of taxpayer
2024 – your verdict is in ⚖️
The dust has now settled on Nicola Willis's first budget. So how
did she do? Last week, we asked our 200,000 supporters to rate the
Budget out of ten.
The most common answer was 8 out of ten, with the
average score being 5.99 (so basically 6) – a narrow passing

From the comments, the top 'highlight' was the (modest) tax cuts
(this is, after all, a taxpayer union!) with the 'lowlight' being
National's broken promise to fund a list of cancer drugs.
And we've heard you on the drugs! As part of this week's efforts
to highlight low priority government spending and waste, we're
Why is the Government prioritising movie subsidies
over medicine? 🎥 > 💊
The Government's decision not to stump up funding for 13
cancer treatments that are available in Australia, is a mix of
politics and economics.
First, the economics. Australia's GDP per capita
(what the country's economy produces per person) is now more than one
third higher than New Zealand's.
So much of New Zealand's political bun fighting comes
back to the sad fact that we want first-world Government
services (and rightly so), but are not running a first world economy
to pay for it.
So the right question we should be asking is: How do
we make New Zealand more productive and catch up with
But, this is also about political
prioritisation. How can the Government spend so much money on junk,
instead of funding important cancer drugs?
And it's a very fair question.
That's why today we are launching a new
campaign, calling on the Government to fund medicines, not
This year, Wellington is doling out more
than $100 million of taxpayer money on corporate welfare to the film
and gaming sectors. Meanwhile, the cost to fund new cancer treatments
is $70–80 million dollars. What
would you prefer the money to be spent on?

We say the priority should go to Pharmac to
support lifesaving healthcare, not billionaire Hollywood bigwigs and
studios. We've
launched an online petition here.
Now, I'm sure some film-buffs will claim that we
must subsidise film production if we are to enjoy the
economic benefits of the jobs the movie business brings to New
Zealand. But if subsiding favoured industries was a recipe for
economic success, why just film and video games?
Taxing successful businesses more for politicians to pick and
choose which industries to subsidise is best left in the 1970s. It
didn't work then, and it doesn't work now.
And this isn't just us saying it: The
boffins at Treasury have tried to call for the credits to roll on the
billion-dollar scheme. The Government's own numbers
suggest that the subsidies cost more than the economic benefits they
✍️ If you agree, Friend, take 20 seconds to sign the
petition calling on more funding for medicine and less for
movies ✍️
Taxpayers’ Union at Mystery Creek: Come and
meet the team @ National Fieldays 🚜👋
If you're at Fieldays this week, come and say hello and sign
the petition in-person.

We'll be at site RM89 in the rural living
marquee. Keep an eye out on our Facebook page for updates too
and speaking events during the four days.
Mr Tamihere, his marae, the census, and the
Māori Party 🫤

Last week's explosive accusations being made by whistleblowers and
first reported by Andrea
Vance in the Sunday Star Times are about as serious as
they get in a democracy.
The first accusation is that John Tamihere's urban marae –
which was part of a Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency drive to promote
last year’s census – was photocopying the data and using it for a
political drive for Te Pāti Māori (of which Mr Tamihere is President).
The whistleblowers claim that the information was then used to target
Māori electorate voters in the Tāmaki Makaurau electorate.
The second set of accusations
relate to text messages urging people to vote for Te Pāti Māori – sent
from a four-digit number, which was the same as that used by
Waipareira Trust to send out Covid-19 vaccination messages.
Mr Tamihere is the Chief Executive of Waipareira Trust.
The messages also appear to break electoral legislation,
because they do not have the required "promotor statement", which is
in law so that people know who is behind (and paying) for electoral
It was not previously public, but during the election campaign, the
Labour Party complained to the Electoral Commission about
text messages. Not really a surprise they're upset: their candidate
lost to Te Pāti Māori MP Takutai Tarsh Kemp (the former CEO of
the very same urban marae) by just 42 votes.
The third set of allegations relate to accusations that Marae
staff who delivered census forms also included enrolment forms for
voters to change from the general to the Māori roll and even gave away
$100 supermarket vouchers, wellness packs and food parcels to
encourage them to complete the forms.
From a taxpayers perspective, what makes the allegations
even more concerning are the suggestions that the whistleblowers had
reported their concerns to multiple government agencies, but that the
agencies had failed to act!
Taxpayers' Union was one of the first organisations to call
for a public, and most importantly, independent
inquiry. Operating a census is one of the most basic
functions of the State and public confidence should be guarded at all
costs. We say that the Stats NZ review, for
example, is nuts when it is officials holding the pen on the terms of
enquiry into their own conduct.
So yesterday's
announcement from the Prime Minister that the (acting) Public Services
Commissioner will be doing a thorough review into the actions of the
government agencies is very welcome (Radio
NZ also covered the announcement and our response here).
But here's the thing, the Public Services Commission (nor
Stats NZ, or MSD) cannot require Mr Tamihere, his entities, nor the
Māori Party to front up with the necessary data or documents to
determine what's really happened one way or another.
Last week, I
wrote to the Privacy Commissioner calling on him to launch an
investigation. The Privacy Commissioner has extraordinary powers
to subpoena witnesses, examine under oath, and require the production
of records and documents. I made the case that Parliament gave the
Commissioner these extraordinary powers for the most serious potential
breaches of privacy. If this isn't among the most serious, what
can read the letter to the Privacy Commissioner requesting a formal
investigation here or listen
to me chatting about it with Jack Tame who was filling in for Heather
du-Plessis Allan.
Finally, we should make clear: Mr Tamihere has strenuously denied
that census information was collected and misused as well the other
allegations. He said the allegations were driven by complainants with
a gripe and even
took a swipe at your humble Taxpayers' Union in a late night
rant media release
issues last week.
Assuming everything is “baseless and simply untrue”, it
shows why Mr Tamihere needs an urgent inquiry to allow him to clear
his good name... The Privacy Commissioner is the right body to do this
as it has the power to summons witnesses and examine under
morning, speaking to Mike Hosking on Newstalk ZB, the Prime Minister
correctly made the distinction between what the Public Service
Commission would be looking into (the actions of the government
agencies) and what the Police and Privacy Commissioner can do (i.e.
powers to investigate the third parties).
We haven't yet, heard back from the
Privacy Commissioner, but we're hoping the Prime Minister perhaps
knows something we don't in his suggestion that the Privacy
Commissioner will get to the bottom of what's happened. We'll keep you
Parliament making pour decisions 🍷

It's wine o’clock in Wellington because
the Parliamentary Service has decided it would be wise to branch out
into wine!
Rather than showcase wine from vineyards around the country,
Parliamentary Services have opted to develop an "in-house signature
range" to be served at internal events, and functions – and also
gifted to visiting foreign dignitaries.
And, who would have guessed, but Parliamentarians drink a lot.
According to tender documents, the minimum
order is 5,000 bottles of red, 5,000 of white, 4,000 of sparkling
(hey, we're in recession after all!), and 300 ports.
We understand Parliamentary
Services have been inundated with offers to join the
"tasting panel".
They say that they will be ensuring it is made up of “diverse people”
from across the Parliamentary Service with “varied backgrounds”.
After all, wine not? It’s only taxpayer money! Thank goodness they're
taking it so seriously...
Gap narrows between Government and
Opposition 📊
The Government won't be over the moon with this month's
hot-off-the-press Taxpayers' Union – Curia poll. It's the
first of the three major nationwide political polls since the Budget
(and unlike the 1News and Newshub efforts, the
Taxpayers' Union – Curia poll isn't even partially government
funded!). The poll suggests Nicola Willis has failed to switch many
Here it is:

Compared with last month's poll, National is down
1.9 points to 35.4 percent while Labour is also down marginally to
29.4 percent (-0.6 points).
The Greens remain in third place up 2.5 points to 12.7
percent while ACT is relatively unchanged on 9.7 percent (+0.3
points). New Zealand First is also steady on 5.6% (+0.1 points) and Te
Pāti Māori is up 0.9 points to 4.0%.
For the minor parties, Outdoors & Freedom is on 1.3
percent, TOP 0.8 percent, Vision NZ 0.5 percent, New Conservatives 0.1
percent, and the combined total for all other parties was 0.5
Here is how these results would translate to seats
in Parliament:

National is down three seats on last month to 44 and
Labour is also down one seat to 36. The Greens are up three seats to
16 while ACT is unchanged on last month on 12. Both NZ First and Te
Pāti Māori are unchanged on last month on seven and six seats,
The combined projected seats for the
Centre-Right of 63 seats is down three seats from last month. On these
numbers, National and ACT would require the support of NZ First to
form a government. The combined seats for the Centre-Left is up 2
seats on 58. This assumes that all electorate seats are held.
A Parliament on these numbers would include one overhang seat.
For favourability ratings, major voting issues, and to
find out how to get access to our full polling reports (including
geographic breakdowns), head over to our website.
Taxpayer Talk: MPs in Depth – Dr Hamish Campbell 🎙️

This week on Taxpayer Talk, I sat down with the National MP for Ilam, Hamish
Hamish reclaimed the previously safe National seat of Ilam at
the 2023 election, following it turning red for the first time in
2020. Prior to entering Parliament, Hamish had been a medical
researcher and university lecturer using his Bachelor's degree in
genetics and PhD in viruses and cancer from the University of Otago.
Hamish shares his views on politics, why he wanted to be an MP, and
provides an interesting insight on some of his unique hobbies that he
has enjoyed over the years.
to the episode on our website | Apple
Podcasts, | Spotify | Google
Podcasts | iHeart
Thank you for your support.
Williams Executive Director New Zealand
Taxpayers’ Union.

NewstalkZB Jason
Walls: Budget 2024 was only ever going to be
'okay' (01:52)
NewstalkZB The
Sunday Panel: Did the 2024 Budget go too
far? (04:45)
Newshub 'Silly'
inconsistency: Police pay council rates while schools, hospitals and
churches don't
interest.co.nz Brian
Easton is impressed by how effective the Taxpayers' Union has been. He
looks at their recipe of how to run a successful pressure
NZ Herald Budget
2024: The dilemma that’s destroying us - Simon
NewstalkZB THE
RE-WRAP: Bad Guys Going In the Wrong Direction
Free Press ACT-ing
Prime Minister
RNZ Claims
of Census data misuse by Manurewa Marae probed by Stats
RNZ Claims
marae misused census data - latest details
Working Group Budget
Battles and Global Affairs | GUESTS: Maria Slade, Matthew McCarten
& Jordan Williams
NZ Herald Budget
2024: Finance Minister Nicola Willis on tax cuts charm offensive as
Labour highlights cuts
Waikato Times More
than 1000 council staff across Waikato earning $100,000-plusMore than
1000 council staff across Waikato earning
The Spinoff Is
the next big media merger NZ on Air marrying the Film
Chris Hipkins: Labour leader on 'very serious' allegations against Te
Pāti Māori
Chris Lynch Media Growing
Investigations into John Tamihere and Te Pāti Māori Spark Calls for
Comprehensive Inquiry
Business Desk Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and Trade a 'sitting duck' for cyberattacks after
$33m cloud IT flop
The Post PM
'monitoring closely' investigations into census
NewstalkZB The
Taxpayers Union has called for the Privacy Commissioner to investigate
Te Pāti Māori allegations
BusinessDesk Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and Trade a 'sitting duck' for cyberattacks after
$33m cloud IT flop
RNZ Privacy
Commissioner seeks more detail on possible census data breach at
RNZ Mediawatch
for 9 June 2024 (10:54)