Where we’re at in the fight for abortion rights

Ayanna Pressley for Congress

Ayanna Pressley is leading the fight in the House of Representatives to stop the attacks on abortion access, medication abortion, and birth control. Please read her update below on this fight, and if you can, pitch in $25 or anything you can to support our abortion rights work.

Two years ago, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade taking away the constitutional right to abortion. The judges — three of whom were appointed by the former occupant of the White House — said this was a matter of states’ rights. Please.

This was never about states’ rights. The Dobbs ruling has enabled far right-extremists to execute their coordinated scheme to exert power, take away our rights, and control our bodies.

We’ve seen this play out in every corner of the country. Just to recall a few examples:

That’s just scratching the surface of this new reality. Judges are cosplaying as medical experts. Doctors are being forced to consult lawyers before giving patients the care they need.

We need to call this what it is: A national march towards forced birth. I’m sounding the alarm, and I’m fighting back. Will you pitch in $25 or anything you can to power my campaign to pass abortion protections across the country?

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While Republicans across the country are misleading the public about their positions on abortion in an effort to get votes, we know where they stand.

Banning abortion isn’t far enough. In Project 2025, they detailed plans to ban the federal government’s use of the words “reproductive health,” and “abortion” in any legislation, grant, or contract. Abortion care would become inaccessible and illegal, no matter where you live. Right on page six, Project 2025 states, “The Dobbs decision is just the beginning.”

There is no world in which politicians or extremist judges should get to decide when and how we start a family, what medications we can take, and what we can and can’t do with our bodies.

As the Chair of the Pro-Choice Caucus’ Abortion Rights and Access Task Force I’m doing everything I can to fight back by pushing for legislation that would protect abortion rights in Massachusetts and across the country — by ensuring everyone can access birth control over-the-counter, free of charge; by protecting access to medication abortion pills like mifepristone, and introducing the Abortion Justice Act to ensure abortion care is readily available to all who need it, without shame, stigma, or systemic barriers.

Your support ensures I can keep up the fight for abortion rights. Can you please pitch in $25 or anything you can to power our pro-abortion rights movement?

Yours in this fight,
