Good afternoon Housing Not Handcuffs supporters, 

Like you, we are waiting for the Supreme Court to announce its decision in the most important case about homelessness in decades. Our best guess is that they will issue the ruling in Johnson v. Grants Pass in late June, but the decision could come any day. 

While we wait to hear the results of Johnson v. Grants Pass, we need your help to keep up the momentum and raise awareness about the many possible impacts this case may have on the 250,000+ people living outside, and the millions of Americans who are just one missed paycheck away from homelessness. To prepare, we have an upcoming webinar in collaboration with The New Republic, and a brand-new social media toolkit ready to share. Keep reading for more info.

Webinar: Beyond Grants Pass

How a Supreme Court ruling could reshape homelessness across America 

Monday, June 17th from 12:00-1:00 pm EST  

(Panelists: Matt Ford, Court Reporter for The New Republic; Will Knight, Decriminalization Director for the National Homelessness Law Center; Tracy Rosenthal, Reporter for The New Republic; Donald Whitehead, Executive Director of the National Coalition for the Homeless; Helen Cruz, Grants Pass Resident  Moderator: Jesse Rabinowitz, Campaign and Communications Director for the National Homelessness Law Center)

In this webinar, panelists will discuss the Johnson v. Grants Pass oral arguments, impacts this case may have on homelessness, narrative work, and more. 

New Johnson v. Grants Pass Social Media Toolkit

We have a brand-new social toolkit ready to help spread the word about Johnson v. Grants Pass. Use the graphics, captions, and articles available at the button link below to educate your personal and organizational networks about this case and keep up the momentum while we await decision day. 

A Way Home America’s State of the Movement  

June 12th & 13th, 12:00-5:00 PM EST

This year's theme “Transilience-Bridging Beyond Silos” signifies the proactive effort to overcome divisions and fragmentation within organizations or communities. It emphasizes the need for cross-disciplinary collaboration, knowledge sharing, and the integration of diverse perspectives to address complex challenges or achieve common goals effectively. This approach aims to dissolve isolated silos of expertise or information, fostering a more holistic and interconnected approach to problem-solving and decision-making within the movement. 

 *Transilience- Moving beyond restorative to transformative, in transforming a system. It does not rely on an individual's resilience through an oppressive system to thrive as a community. 


Sam Hozian 
Communications Associate 
National Homelessness Law Center