Episode 205 uploaded June 9: Sam Goldman interviews filmmaker Stephen Ujlaki about his latest film Bad Faith: Christian Nationalism’s Unholy War on Democracy. This feature-length documentary is available for streaming on Apple TV+, Amazon Prime, Google Play & YouTube.
Sam discusses the increasingly dire situation for women across the
country where abortion has been banned, the latest developments for
immigrants, the perfidious US-Israeli war crime that just killed 200
Palestinian civilians, and more.
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Stephen Ujlaki:
When Trump got elected in 2016, I was shocked, I did not think it was a possibility, none of my friends did. That's when I realized I lived in a bubble, and I started doing research on evangelicals because they were obviously the key players in all this. In terms of the future of the Republican Party or even the future of our republic, there is going to be a confrontation, because if he loses, he'll say he won, and there will be violence. If, god forbid, that he should win, our democracy's over. I do believe if enough of us stand up and are active, we will be able to defeat it. But that's what it's going to take. It's not spectator sport anymore.
Sam Goldman:
Trump is promoting real plans to build brutal concentration camps to hold millions, literally millions of people. He has said that immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country. He has threatened to shut down the border. Trump and his followers, like Texas Governor Greg Abbott, have been actively and callously using events and creating conflicts on the border to undermine the legitimacy of the Democratic Party....This week, we are seeing a living color the leadership of the Democratic Party, the standard bearers and xxxxxx of American democracy, shut down the southern border, actively and forcefully, endangering 1000s of lives on top of the everyday nightmare of migration and seeking refuge in the US.

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