As part of the AUKUS pact, the British and US militaries plan to create a 27 dish ‘Deep Space Advanced Radar Concept’ (DARC), a high-power radar station at Cawdor Barracks, Brawdy, Pembrokeshire in West Wales.


CND is proud to be supporting the local campaign against this development, PARC Against DARC, which has officially launched. We fully intend to stop this military monstrosity ever seeing the light of day. 


A public meeting will take place on Thursday 27 June, at the Solva Memorial Hall, from 7-9pm. More details can be found on the Facebook event


You can keep up to date with the campaign on the website, and help by signing the petition, contributing to the fighting fund, or lobbying your local representative.


You can also follow their social media channels on Facebook, X, and Instagram


Eurobomb? No thanks! Preventing nuclear proliferation in Europe – CND webinar, 18 July


In July and August, states will meet at the UN in Geneva for the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Preparatory Committee (PrepCom). CND will be on the ground in Switzerland to counter the arguments in favour of the development of a European nuclear weapons system, and will be hosting a side meeting on why we must mobilise in opposition to a ‘Eurobomb’ programme.


Ahead of the PrepCom, we invite supporters to join us for a webinar with the same theme. We'll hear from a line up of international speakers on topics like the US influence on European military policy, the perspective of French disarmament campaigners, and how treaties like the NPT and TPNW can be used to stop the ‘Europroliferators.’ 

Speakers include: Jean-Marie Collin, Director of ICAN FRANCE; Joseph Gerson, President of the Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security; and Rebecca Johnson, Director of Acronym. Chaired by Kate Hudson, CND General Secretary.


10% off CND Teemill merchandise


Teemill is offering CND supporters a 10% discount on orders from now until 16 June 2024. Use code: CNDDAD


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Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

162 Holloway Road

London N7 8DQ

United Kingdom