John, the end of the school year should be a time of celebration for kids and families.
But for millions of children living in poverty in rural America, it can mean the end of reliable meals and long months without access to books, art supplies and learning support. For these kids, summer is the toughest time of year – and it’s not fair.
Every summer, our generous partners help put more books in homes, get more kids ready for kindergarten and provide more opportunities for enrichment through summer programs...and you can too.
With your help, we work with local partners and equip them with resources to help the children who need it most, so kids can enter kindergarten better prepared to learn.
Through a variety of programs and a common focus on making a lifelong impact for children, community leaders and our experts work together so all children can thrive.
Here is one way we helped make summer fair for children in New Mexico:
Last summer, we were thrilled to bring nearly 200 children together in one New Mexico school district to help create a 90-foot mural. Save the Children collaborated with the children and a local artist to design a mural highlighting the kids’ dreams and their community’s diversity and natural beauty.
Thank you for all you do to make this work possible, John. We’ll be sharing more inspiring stories and opportunities to help Make Summer Fair all summer long. Stay tuned!