Pictured: NRCAT's newest staffer, Michael Saavedra, speaks to participants at NRCAT's booth at the Parliament of the World's Religions in Chicago in August 2023.

Dear Friends,

In 2013, Michael Saavedra was in the Pelican Bay prison, participating in the historic California prisoner hunger strikes against solitary confinement that he helped organize and lead. Now, over 10 years later, Michael is channeling his passion for justice in his role as the National Coordinator of NRCAT’s National Network of Solitary Survivors. Michael’s story is a centerpiece of a powerful new documentary film, The Strike, that is drawing major acclaim at film festivals this spring and will be available to the public in the coming months. 

You can join our efforts to recruit, conduct media and advocacy trainings, and provide support for solitary survivors by donating to NRCAT today.

Since Michael started with NRCAT last summer, his travels have taken him to Chicago for the Parliament of the World’s Religions, to Arkansas for the Fourth Annual DecARcerate Conference, and throughout his home state of California as CA advocates work to secure Governor Newsom’s support of the CA Mandela Act to End Solitary Confinement now moving through the state legislature. 

The NRCAT National Network of Solitary Survivors is now at 160 members who are connected through a regular newsletter and with educational events like NRCAT’s Women’s History Month webinar in March. 

Your financial support helps us offer these opportunities and more to solitary confinement survivors, connecting them to advocacy while restoring their spirits and hope. Donate today and your contribution will be doubled thanks to our generous donors, up to our goal of $30,000, this Torture Awareness Month.


Rev. Ron Stief
Executive Director

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National Religious Campaign Against Torture
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