This is something he has experienced firsthand.

Fellow Patriot,

Dr. Carson asked me to reach out to Americans who want what’s best for our country, to help him take a stand against “cancel culture.” It’s tearing our country apart and needs to be stopped. 

This is something he has experienced firsthand. 

As you may have heard, this past November the Detroit School Board voted to change the name of the Benjamin Carson High School of Science and Medicine. Why? Because the School Board was mad that Dr. Carson was part of the Trump Administration! 

These educational leaders – who should be acting as role models for our kids – instead decided to create a huge political spectacle by “canceling” Dr. Carson and trying to erase his amazing achievements as a doctor, as a leader, and as a citizen. It’s really outrageous. 

Dr. Carson is disappointed by this – not because he wants any glory but because it sets a bad example … for the kids at this school, and for the entire country. 

“Cancel culture” tells young people and all Americans that you shouldn’t listen to those with whom you disagree and try to find common ground; you should just stigmatize them and erase them.

The Left probably expected Dr. Carson to lash out at the Detroit School Board and his political opponents – hurl some insults, call people names, keep the fight going. 

But instead, Dr. Carson said to our team here at the American Cornerstone Institute (ACI): 

“What if we use this as an opportunity to rally people across the country to speak out against cancel culture? To show America that we have a better path forward for our country than hate and division?”

And that’s exactly what we’re doing. It’s why Dr. Carson launched ACI in the first place – to lead the way for what’s best for our country. 

And we’ve created a way for you to stand with Dr. Carson and make your voice heard. Just click the link below; it will take you to our National Statement Against Cancel Culture that you can review and then co-sign.

Dr. Carson is getting asked about the Detroit school incident quite a bit, and when he answers he wants to speak for Americans who are heartbroken by what cancel culture is doing to our country – who want this divisiveness and vitriol to end! I think you’re just such an American. 

And when you and thousands of concerned citizens like you sign this Statement, Dr. Carson will be able to keep speaking from the heart against cancel culture – knowing that he’s broadcasting a message that is important to his fellow Americans. 

He can say … “Enough is enough! I’m fed up with cancel culture, and so are folks everywhere who love America and want what’s best for the country.”

If that’s a message you want Dr. Carson to share on your behalf, please take a moment now to be part of ACI’s National Statement Against Cancel Culture. Here’s the link again for you:

Amid all the divisiveness and polarization that has been injected into our policy debates, Dr. Carson is proud of the work ACI is doing to encourage Americans to come together despite our differences and find ways to take on the challenges that face our country. 

I hope you’ll join Dr. Carson in this important work. Thank you! 


Andrew D. Hughes
Executive Director & CEO
American Cornerstone Institute




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