Blatant racial discrimination in CA school districts must end now!
Isaac Newman faced DEI and CRT injustice solely due to his race. Demand the removal of racial biases in all district boards.
DEI and CRT implementation: Coming to a school near you!
Act NOW for racial equality! SIGN THE PETITION |
Dear John,
Can you believe we're still witnessing blatant racial discrimination in the United States today? In a shocking display that runs counter to everything our discrimination laws stand for, Isaac Newman was outright banned from a leadership role solely because he is White. Newman expressed his dismay, stating, "I ran for it because it was a way to counteract the very discrimination they’re perpetuating."
Sign our petition to demand that the Elk Grove Unified School District Board abolish these discriminatory practices.
The Elk Grove Unified School District has taken a staggering step backward by enforcing reverse racism and blatantly flouting several U.S. laws. Utilizing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and Critical Race Theory (CRT) as tools, they have declared open discrimination, excluding Newman from serving on the BIPOC board purely based on his race. Dr. Nancy Dome, CEO of Epoch Education and an advocate for DEI and CRT training, shockingly admits that they aim to offer unequal advantages based on racial group identity. Under these guidelines, Newman’s disqualification was not due to a lack of qualifications or merit but was instead a calculated decision based on his race. It's astonishing—and frankly, unacceptable—that in today's America, such blatant race-based discrimination is institutionalized in any educational system. Revoking these divisive policies that prejudge individuals by their skin color rather than their capabilities is not just a necessity but a moral imperative. This isn't about one person but challenging a deeply flawed system that flies in the face of state and federal laws. Elk Grove’s DEI and CRT directives distort the very goal of genuine inclusivity by asserting that promoting one racial group at the expense of another is acceptable. This is a perverse interpretation of justice and equality—values we hold dear.
Sign our petition to demand that the Elk Grove Unified School District Board abolish these discriminatory practices.
The false solution of reverse racism proposed by DEI and CRT implementation does nothing to address or correct the historical injustices of racial discrimination; instead, it fosters further disparity and discord. This discrimination impacts Newman and threatens to erode the hard-won unity and equality efforts within all public sectors. Newman’s experience is a disturbing reminder of a twisted belief system: "They think discrimination today can solve discrimination yesterday." Standing by idly means allowing this destructive mindset to flourish, undermining our national principles and the efficacy of U.S. discrimination laws. We must win this fight not solely for Isaac Newman but for every educator and public servant who falls victim to the biases of DEI and CRT in our public education system. Let’s ensure our battle against discrimination encompasses all forms, including those masked as racial reconciliation.
If we do nothing to stop the swelling momentum of the DEI and CRT implementation in California, this will be “Coming to a school near you!”
Sign our petition to demand that the Elk Grove Unified School District Board abolish these discriminatory practices. Standing for Unity, Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. Also, please share the petition with as many people as possible. This is not just a California issue. If we don’t stop this here and now, I guarantee DEI and CRT regulations will be “Coming to a school near you.”