Dear Friend,
After a year of working at the Taxpayers' Union, the time has
come for me to return home to the UK and take the next steps in my
Since moving to New Zealand to become the Taxpayers' Union's
Investigations Co-ordinator early last year – it's been my job to
investigate (and expose!) wasteful spending in government and at local
While you may not have received any weekly newsletter updates from
me, regular readers will recognise some of the stories the interns and
I have uncovered. Highlights (or lowlights?) include:
I loved every moment in your beautiful country, and before I took
off, Callum asked me to share some of my experiences with you, as a
supporter who makes the work of the Taxpayers' Union possible.
One of the best things about this organisation is meeting the
thousands of supporters, from every walk of life, who back our vision
for a more prosperous New Zealand.
That was particularly so during last year's 'Stop
Central Planning Committees' roadshow, the 10-year
anniversary gala with Lord Hannan, the pre-election electorate
debates, and visiting the dozens of A&P shows.
My friends at home would never quite believe the things we were
doing until I showed them photos. The highlight (at least in terms of
hilarity) was literally
chasing Grant Robertson and Chris Hipkins between election rallies in
a moving van for our fictional moving company to highlight how many
Kiwis were voting with their feet: Robbo's Removals.
here to watch the video from the day we launched "Robbo's
And, of course, there's that Debt
Clock: seeing the numbers tick up thousands of dollars a second in
real time is something else
also had the honour (?!) of co-hosting last year's Jonesies, our
annual awards celebrating the 'best of the worst' in government
the 2023 Jonesies presented in Parliament.
It surprises many that staff here at the Taxpayers' Union hold a
diverse set of political views. But let me assure you, they are all
united in their desire to see taxpayers' money spent more effectively,
along with improving transparency and democratic accountability to
you, the taxpayer.
I would hate to think about how much waste would be occurring if
politicians and bureaucrats weren't receiving constant reminders that
the Taxpayers' Union is looking over their shoulder.
So, thank you, Friend.
To the donors and supporters like you, who have made this
experience possible, I'd like to say a big thank you.
I am indebted too, to the incredible interns I've had the pleasure
of working with. A role not often appreciated is the degree to which
the Taxpayers' Union are helping the next generation of political and
policy leaders – something I'm particularly passionate about.
Whether it be towing the debt clock around the country to
grassroots events, helping research and shining the light into
backroom wasteful bureaucracy, the internship programme sees
Wellington's best and brightest get out of the university group think
'safe space' for Marxism, and introduce them to the real
world of politics and good public policy.
If you value the work of the Taxpayers' Union in exposing
waste in Government and your local council, I
would encourage you to consider supporting our student internship
programme with a monthly donation.
Without you, and the support of grassroots financial
supporters, the last year would not have been possible.
Thanks again for the opportunity.
ps. The Taxpayers' Union is always on the
lookout for bright and enthusiastic young people to join as a student
intern. But to continue to offer internships, the Taxpayers' Union
relies on your generous financial support. Click
here to set up a monthly donation.