Hello, Patriots!

True Texas Project is a proactive group!  Our newest goal is to get Texas open for business again! 

We've worked with a small group of the top conservative leaders in Texas to draft a letter to Gov Abbott regarding opening Texas back up for business. We brainstormed our key goals and sent it in today. This week we are asking coalition partners (literally 100s of grassroots leaders from around the state) to sign on as well. That list will be released Friday. The original signers include myself for True Texas Project, Ross Kecseg for Empower Texans, JoAnn Fleming for Grassroots America, former State Representative Matt Rinaldi, Daniel Greer of Direct Action Texas, Jim Graham of Texas Right To Life, Rachel Malone of Gun Owners of America, Teresa Beckmeyer w/ the Saulsbury family, and Tim Lambert of Texas Homeschool Coalition. It's an impressive group of people and organizations!

You can be proud to be a part of common sense efforts by True Texas Project to keep Texas strong!  Please encourage your State Reps and State Senators, along with your city and county leadership, plus the Governor and Lt Governor to open Texas!  You can find contact information for all of those folks on our website at this link.

Faithfully yours,

Julie McCarty
CEO, True Texas Project

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