Attending the 80th Anniversary of D-Day |
I’m humbled to have spent the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, France.
On Thursday, we paid tribute to the Greatest Generation – those whose graves are marked by white crosses as well as those who made the journey to join the ceremony.
Their sacrifices will never be forgotten.
Biden's Election-Year Charade |
Biden's "border security" executive order is a joke.
Americans have spent 3 1/2 years watching this president dismantle our borders and destroy our national security.
This election-year charade fools no one.
The House Passes ICC Sanctions Resolution |
The International Criminal Court's (ICC) recent move to issue an arrest warrant for Prime Minister Netanyahu, placing him on the same field as Hamas, is unacceptable.
On Tuesday, I voted to sanction this bogus court if it attempts to prosecute the U.S. or its allies.
NIH Scientists Secretly Cashing In |
New data shows that National Institutes of Health (NIH) scientists raked in $710 million in royalties from late 2021 through 2023.
More than double the amount of cash flowed to the NIH in these years from the private sector than in the prior 12 combined.
Oh, and they tried to hide it.
Another Loophole for Amnesty |
Since 2022, more than 350,000 asylum cases have been closed by the federal government in a way that allows illegals to roam the U.S. freely without fear of deportation.
This administration has done nothing but create loopholes to funnel illegals into America.
Visiting With Artemis II Astronauts |
I enjoyed hearing from Artemis II crewmembers Victor Glover, Reid Wiseman, Christina Koch, and Jeremy Hansen last week.
We discussed ongoing preparations for their 2025 mission to orbit the Moon and return to Earth – laying the groundwork for our long-term lunar presence.
Biden's Weaponization of the Government Continues |
Biden's weaponization of the government continues as the DOJ indicts a whistleblower surgeon who exposed the vile transgender procedures being inflicted on minors at Texas Children's Hospital.
This two-tiered justice system must end.
A Letter Home by D-Day Veteran Major Ellsworth Hill |
Last week, I had the privilege of reading a letter by D-Day veteran Army Major Ellsworth Hill written to his family on June 14, 1944.
Only those who were there can truly comprehend what occurred that fateful day.
The Left's Astonishing Hypocrisy |
Antifa burns down businesses without consequences.
Illegals assault police officers without consequences.
Pro-Hamas supporters accost Jewish students without consequences.
A woman protests an abortion clinic known for its vile practices, and she’s sent to jail.
Mind-Boggling Ignorance |
Hezbollah’s leader recently shared his take on the consequences that should be given to homosexuals.
Here’s a hint: it’s death.
Every woke leftist supporting “pride month” should take note before blindly advocating for these terrorists.
Their ignorance is truly mind-boggling.
Remembering Apollo 8 Astronaut Bill Anders |
I was saddened to hear of the passing of Apollo 8 astronaut, Major General Bill Anders.
Among the first crew to circumnavigate the Moon, Bill took one of the most breathtaking photos we’ll ever see: Earthrise.
His contributions to our space program and nation will always be remembered.
Hurricane Season Is Underway |
Hurricane season is officially underway.
Use the QR code below to track any storms heading our way!
Apply for Disaster Assistance |
Individuals with storm damage in Harris, Liberty, Hardin, and Jasper counties can apply with FEMA in the following ways:
1. Apply online at
2. Call the application phone number at 1-800-621-3362 (TTY: 800-462-7585).
Let Us Help You |
We are ready to assist you! We know how to cut through bureaucratic red tape and can get you answers. Please feel free to call or stop by one of our offices.
Let us work on your behalf!