News From Congressman Bilirakis


June 9, 2024

Dear Neighbor,

It was a busy week in Washington, with some important wins for our nation's heroes and the commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of D-Day.  We also held hearings on important healthcare topics, saw the start of what is predicted to be an active huricane season, and took a strong stand in support of Israel.  Unfortunately, the President continued his weak attempt to distract Americans who are upset with his open border policies with political gimmicks that will actually worsen our border crisis.   Continue reading to learn more about these issues and my work on your behalf last week.  

Making Washington Work for You:  President Biden announced an executive order last week that would permit a minimum of 1.8 million illegal immigrants to enter the country annually.  This is 4.5 times the number of illegal immigrants that were encountered at our southern border in FY2020.  This is a political stunt in response to the extreme unpopularity of Biden’s open border policies rather than a meaningful attempt to address the crisis he has created.  These are dangerous times we are living in, with our adversaries seeking to capitalize on any weakness.  We must meet the moment with strength and the courage of conviction to keep our America and her allies safe.  It is not a time for politics and a further erosion of our national security. 

Another way we can help bolster our readiness is by strengthening our critical supply chains.  My colleagues and I recently filed the Supply Chain Security and Growth Act.  This bipartisan legislation will facilitate rapid movement of critical U.S. supply chains to Puerto Rico from less desirable and unreliable locations such as China. Currently, 252 drugs, including antibiotics and chemotherapies, are facing shortages in the U.S. with no pattern of predictability, while 80 percent of all active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) for essential medicines in the U.S. have no domestic manufacturing source. In 2021, China was the leading source for U.S. pharmaceutical imports by weight and value, accounting for 95 percent of our country's ibuprofen imports, 91 percent of hydrocortisone imports, 70 percent of acetaminophen imports, and 40 to 45 percent of penicillin imports. As co-founder and co-chair of the Domestic Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Caucus, I understand we need to strengthen our supply chains and end our reliance on foreign adversaries.

Advocating for Our Nations Heroes:  Last week, the House passed our Fiscal Year 2025 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill, which makes a substantial investment in our military infrastructure.  The package contains a number of important provisions I supported to require the VA to follow community care access standards for substance abuse and rehab treatment, protect Veterans’ due process and 2nd Amendment rights, and ensure that Veterans continue to have access to emergency air transportation services when needed.  It also honors our commitment to our nation’s Veterans by fully funding Veterans’ health care programs, Veterans’ benefits, and VA programs. And, it delivers conservative victories by prohibiting the Biden Administration from using funds to promote or advance critical race theory; prohibiting the implementation, administration, or enforcement of the Biden Administration’s executive orders on DEI, and prohibiting taxpayer dollars from being used for abortion.  Additionally, two amendments to the bill I co-authored were adopted.  These amendments strengthen the Housing and Urban Development-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) voucher program and the Department of Veterans Affairs Low-Income Veterans and Families (SSVF) Shallow Subsidy Program.  These programs have been critical in reducing Veteran homelessness, and we’ve got to make sure they remain flexible enough to meet Veterans' changing needs. 

My colleagues and I are also working to give Veterans more flexibility to ensure they can focus on getting well when they are experiencing a medical emergency!   Click here to learn more about our bill.

Additionally, last week, my bill to honor a Hernando Hometown Hero passed the House. This bill would rename the United States Post Office located at 207E. Fort Dade Avenue, Brooksville, FL  34601 as the “Specialist Justin Dean Coleman Memorial Post Office.”  On July 24, 2009, during his first tour of duty with the 10th Mountain, 32nd Infantry Regiment of the U.S. Army, SPC Justin Dean Coleman of Hernando County, Florida was killed in action while patrolling a residential area of Nuristan Province in Afghanistan.  He was only 21 years old.  Just like his father, grandfather, great grandfather and eight uncles, Coleman was called to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces.  What was originally planned as a 96-hour mission to retake Barge Matal from the Taliban, SPC Coleman’s mission in Nuristan Province had turned into a 60-day mission.  His platoon conducted patrols of a local village, going from house to house checking for Taliban combatants. During the patrol, SPC Coleman provided security outside one of the houses and received direct fire from an enemy combatant, fatally wounding him in a matter of seconds.   By drawing enemy fire away from his platoon, SPC Coleman’s actions allowed his comrades time to take cover, locate the enemy, and successfully counterattack. Because of SPC Coleman’s sacrifice, no other soldiers died that day. I urge my Senate colleagues to expedite passage of this bill.   


Ensuring Accountability in Healthcare Spending:  During last week’s Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee Hearing, we conducted oversight of the 340B program and how it should be used to help provide critical prescription drug benefits and uncompensated care for under and uninsured Americans.  Click here to watch.  Also, in our Health Subcommittee hearing, we examined the FDA’s role in streamlining procedures to ensure devices and treatments being developed for patients with rare diseases are expedited.  Click here to listen to my exchange with the panelists on this important topic.  

Protecting Human Rights Around the Globe:  During a recent Tom Lantos Commission on Human Rights briefing, we discussed the unmitigated humanitarian disaster that is currently taking place in Sudan and the role that the US and the entire international community can play in pressuring both sides into a ceasefire so that a safe haven can be created for displaced Sudanese people who are being slaughtered.  Click here to listen to my exchange with esteemed panelist, Dr. Affan of Florida.    

Raising Awareness:  This month, as part of Alzheimer’s and Brain Health Awareness, I renew my commitment to fighting for all Florida families facing the daily challenges of Alzheimer’s and other dementia.  With new FDA- approved treatments to slow the disease in its early stages, there is real progress for patients and families facing this debilitating disease.  We must ensure access to these new treatments.  I’ll keep fighting to do so.  Together we can end Alzheimer’s!

Learning from You Here at Home:  We had a great turn-out at this year's Veterans Resource Fair with Special Guest Tony Orlando.  It was great to hear from so many Veterans about their needs and to link them with available resources in the community. 


I also had the privilege of speaking with some of our neighbors at the Hernando Hurricane Preparation Expo recently about the steps that can be taken to prepare for inclement weather.   Officials are anticipating an active season.  Remember, early preparation saves lives and minimizes property damage.  


Serving You– I’ve been ranked as one of the most effective elected officials in Tampa Bay.  I am  proud  that my service to constituents and commitment to getting this done is being recognized.   Click here to learn more.  

Additionally, I was proud to be recognized by the Area Agency of Aging for my work to protect seniors.  This organization does a tremendous job helping seniors maintain their dignity by providing support for them to stay in their homes for as long as possible.


Community Connection

I am fortunate to have a team of dedicated staff who regularly attend events throughout our community, especially when I am required to be in Washington, DC. Through their collective efforts, I am better able to stay connected to the issues that matter most to my constituents. As part of my commitment to developing a better understanding of the issues facing constituents in Citrus, Hernando and Pasco counties, members of my team attended several events last week.  Here are a few highlights.

My team celebrated the home dedicated for the Tanksley Family in West Pasco as part of the Habitat for Humanity Program.  This wonderful organization offers a great way for those who need extra assistance to experience the dream of home ownership.


My team also enjoyed participating in the June meeting of the newly merged East Pasco Chamber of Commerce.  It is great to see local small businesses working together to support each other's efforts. 


Additionally, my team celebrated success of Pepin Academy's 2024 Graduating Class.  These students have worked tirelessly to overcome challenges and we wish them the best in their future endeavors!


Constituent Corner

My team recently received this message after helping a local Veteran obtain an expedited appointment at the VA. 

I just want to say thank you for getting me my appointment. I never had the VA be so apologetic to me. Thank you for everything! I have been sick since October and the VA kept putting it off and telling me I have Asthma when I know it isn't just asthma. So once again, thank you!

This is just one example of the work we do each day.  Constituent services are a critical element of our congressional office. The federal government is a massive operation, and my office is available if you ever need assistance in navigating the bureaucracy or cutting through red tape. We are here to serve you!  



Gus Bilirakis
Member of Congress

Rep. Gus Bilirakis | 2354 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515