friends -

At the end of this email, I'm going to ask you to make your first contribution — of $3 or any amount you can — to stand with our campaign for Congress. But before I do that, please give me a chance to explain why your support is so important to our success.

Here's the situation:

This June is a critical month for our campaign. Part of the reason why is because at the end of it — just three weeks from today — we're facing an official Federal Election Commission fundraising deadline, the final one before our primary on August 14.

I know my team and I have written to you about these quarterly deadlines before, but I mean it when I say that this is a big one. One that could very well set the tone for the home stretch of this campaign.

Shortly after the deadline, our campaign has to file a report publicly disclosing our fundraising numbers. That means how much money we've raised, and how many individual contributions make up that amount.

Believe it or not, a LOT of people — from AIPAC and their billionaire donors, to our establishment challengers and the media — will be combing through the receipts to see how we're doing.

They're going to use our fundraising numbers as an indicator of our campaign's grassroots strength. They want to see if there are any signs of weakness in our movement, and check if it's worth it to pour obscene amounts of dark money into Minnesota to try and exploit it.

Reporting the strongest numbers possible will tell them there is nothing they can do to stop this team's momentum, and show that our collective grassroots power is greater than anything they can throw our way.

That's why your support — alongside thousands of progressives across the country — is so important. Especially today.

So please:

Can you make your first online donation — of $3 or any amount that feels right to you — to support our movement today? No matter the size of your contribution, it'll help send an unmistakable message that this campaign stands united.

If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your contribution will go through immediately:

When I think of the many, many reasons I'm so proud of this incredible team, one of them is the fact we fund our campaigns the right way. I hope you feel the same way.

Thanks for being a part of it.

In solidarity,




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Ilhan is counting on our people-powered grassroots movement to fund this campaign. If you can, stand with us by making a contribution today.

Ilhan for Congress
PO Box 33079
Washington D.C., 20033