John, we’re startled -- a new poll just showed that only 39% of registered voters approve of President Biden.

House Democrats are conducting our own poll of PA Democrats ahead of the upcoming presidential debate, but we still have not received your response. Here's the first thing we need to know:
Do you approve of President Biden?
YES! →   NO →

Response requested by 11:59PM.

In light of the GOP's pivot to far-right extremism and Donald Trump’s conviction on 34 felony crimes, we are so grateful to have President Biden leading the fight to protect our democracy.

But, John, the fight is nowhere near over.

Donald Trump and his MAGA cronies are taking any chance they get to throw our Republic into chaos -- with their eyes firmly set on TOTAL control next year.

With everything on the line, we are conducting our own Presidential Tracking poll to see where PA Democrats like you stand ahead of the pivotal 2024 election.

Our records show that you  have not  yet provided a response to our June Presidential Tracking poll. So we have to ask, John:
Do you approve of President Biden?
YES! →   NO →

Thank you,

DCCC Research Team

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