How can The Barnes Review survive
in this
era of rampant censorship?
Our enemies have
endless piles of cash.
TBR doesn't.
enemies have the credit card companies, mainstream media and tech giants in
their hip pockets.
TBR doesn't.
Our enemies want to separate us from our religion, our heritage,
our culture, our present and our past.
TBR doesn't. Just
the opposite, in fact.
Even so, we are seeing mainstream
magazines fold or go totally full-on politically correct—even with
the massive resources at their disposal.
Yet, somehow The
Barnes Review survives.
Is it because we offer something
An honest look at history without the poison of
political correctness?
A high-quality publication on a
shoestring budget?
Page after page of no-holds-barred honest
Well, that's all part of it.
the real reason TBR survives is because of the generosity of our
subscribers and supporters who realize that what we are doing is
important—and unique.
Help us through this rough
patch with a donation so we can keep America's last remaining politically
incorrect history magazine going yet another year.
Don't let
the statue smashers, culture munchers, spineless court historians and the
radical thought censors win.
Please make your generous
contribution to The Barnes Review today by
clicking here.
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