Hi John –

There’s a lot of things that’d I’d do differently than the Minnesota GOP. I won’t bore you with the entire list, but needless to say, it’s a pretty long list.

But one thing that really stands out is MN GOP's nomination of Royce White for US Senate.

Now if you haven’t heard, I’ll give you the cliff notes on Royce White. He spent campaign funds at a strip club, has a long history of antisemitism, homophobia and sexism, and has had multiple run-ins with the law.

I don’t think we need to go any further to show you this isn’t just a guy who’s unfit for office, he’s not someone that anyone who purports to represent the people of Minnesota should be affiliated with.

But the silence from GOP elected officials and candidates on Royce White has been deafening.

Please join me in demanding an answer from every GOP elected official in Minnesota. They owe us an explanation for why they continue to silently stand by Royce White.

We should expect more from our elected officials, but unfortunately, standing by and silently endorsing antisemitism, sexism, and homophobia has become par for the course from far-right politicians.

Thanks for demanding answers with me today!



Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States