I’ve been working at Waffle House for 30 years, but never gotten a raise. That changes today – thanks to our organizing, thousands of Waffle House servers like me will be on a path to receiving as much as a $3/hr increase in our base tipped wage and additional pay based on our seniority.
They told us we couldn’t beat a corporation like Waffle House. They told us we couldn’t organize in the South, with its history of exploiting Black and brown workers. They were wrong: when we come together, united, taking collective action, we can shift the balance of power.
That’s exactly what my coworkers and I did: just 3 months ago, we delivered a letter with our demands and backed up those demands by going on strike. When we fight, we win, and I’ve got plenty of fight left in me.
Today I’m celebrating, but tomorrow I’m picking that fight back up for our core demands: safe workplaces, an end to mandatory meal deductions, and the wage we need to survive: $25/hr. Looking for ways to support our fight? Sign on to our Waffle House demands in solidarity >>

We learned about our win because the CEO posted a video on an employee message board. Right underneath, someone named Pete commented, "this is proof striking works...this would have never happened if those ladies hadn't gone on strike!"
That's right, Pete.
In solidarity,
Cindy Smith
Waffle House Worker
Atlanta, GA
Fight for a Union