Hi friend,

Have you been following the election campaign?

We are. The debates on telly this week were infuriating. No one mentioned debt, despite there being 10 million people across the UK struggling to pay bills because of heavy debt. 

With supporters like you, friend, we can make sure that whoever gets into parliament puts debt on the agenda.  

Watching candidates might be a bit down-heartening but watching people come together demanding justice is the best pick me up, don’t you think? That’s why we want to share this video with you.

Will you watch this video and share with your friends and family?  

friend, it is clear that no one should be getting into debt just to put food on the table. The UK is one of the richest countries in the world, and yet people are left in desperate situations choosing between eating or paying their bills. 

And once people are pushed into debt and poverty, it is difficult to get out. Some debt collection processes add fees and fines, leaving people even deeper in debt!  

This build-up of unpayable debt is weighing our communities down, and will act as a weight on the economy for years to come unless whoever is elected recognises the severity of the household debt crisis  and takes action. 

As Yesmin from East London says:

‘Debt has social, emotional and mental side effects, the likes of which is a silent venom.’

Yesmin is one of hundreds of people who has taken part in the Together Against Debt People’s Manifesto, demanding not just better rights for people in debt, but also how to solve the debt crisis.

All MP candidates are due to be finalised by the end of this week.

That means, next week we can start really pushing all the candidates to stand with people in debt. The more of us that take action, the more likely all the candidates will take notice.

We’ll be in touch about that, but in the meanwhile, enjoy the video and feel free to send us your thoughts on how it made you feel, just hit reply to this email. 

In solidarity 

Zak, Joe, Heidi and all at Debt Justice 

Justice is possible

Across the world, millions of people’s lives are being destroyed by unfair debt.  

But when we act together, we have the strength to win justice and build a fair economy that puts human life before debt.

Donate today to strengthen the campaign for debt justice.