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Dear John

It’s set to be a summer like no other with the general election now just weeks away and TV debates taking place on our screens.

This is an era-defining moment for our countryside, the next government will need to urgently address the biggest climate and nature crises of our time.

We’ve set out how we think the next government can deliver positive progress for our countryside and communities – scroll down to find out more.

This week marked Volunteers’ Week (3-9 June) and we’ve loved celebrating everything you’ve been doing to make a difference. Read on to find out more.

Our Hedgerows Heroes have also been busy working to plant and restore hedgerows – read more below about why phase 3 of the project has been such a success.

How the next government can deliver for our countryside


The general election has been called for 4 July, and will take place amidst the biggest climate and nature crises of our time. The next government will be faced with many complex issues, and we call on all political parties to recognise the value of the countryside and its essential role in responding to these urgent challenges. Find out more below and check out our manifesto which details what we're calling for.

A look back on Volunteers' Week


This year marked 40 years of Volunteer’s Week, and we’ve celebrated by announcing our latest volunteer award winners and sharing some inspirational stories from young volunteers from across the CPRE network. We also highlighted our involvement in this year’s Big Help Out featuring a range of exciting new CPRE volunteering opportunities from Dark Skies Volunteers to Green Defenders, Online Campaigns Activists and more. Read our CEO Roger Mortlock’s thank you message to volunteers below.

Community action and hedgerow success with Hedgerow Heroes 


The third year of CPRE’s Hedgerow Heroes project has come to a close and what a success it’s been! From local schools to conservation charities and farmers, CPRE groups have worked with over 100 organisations, 2,614 volunteers, 363 children and over 100 leaders and trainers. Planting and restoration targets have been exceeded and thousands of volunteers have actively made a difference in their community for nature and climate.

Better Transport Week


Better Transport Week is an annual week-long celebration of the sustainable transport that makes our lives better. Public transport, shared travel, cycling, walking and wheeling can give us a brighter transport future – one that is greener and fairer, that connects people rather than leaving them behind, that helps provide cleaner air and a planet fit for the next generation. This year, Better Transport Week takes place from 17 to 23 June with events, specials offers and competitions throughout the week. Find out more about Better Transport Week and how to travel more sustainably below.

Get exclusive discounts by joining CPRE


Did you know that CPRE members can receive discounts at attractions, houses and gardens around the country? Gainsborough's House in Suffolk is the childhood home of Thomas Gainsborough RA (1727–1788). The museum re-opened in 2022 after a transformational refurbishment and is now the largest gallery in Suffolk. By joining us today, you can use your CPRE membership in order to receive an exclusive entry offer here, in addition to nearly 100 other locations around the country.


Best wishes,


Cat Rowland

Digital Engagement Officer

CPRE is funded by donations from people like you. Together, we can help our beautiful countryside thrive, for everyone’s benefit - now and for generations to come.

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