If you want to be part of our Green movement for a fairer and greener Europe, here’s what you can do:
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Dear John!
Europe is at a crossroads. Will we travel back in time where women were 2nd class citizens, being queer was illegal, and the climate was not on anyone’s list of priorities?
Or do we move Europe towards a future with equal rights for all and climate policies that prioritise the people and the planet? It’s your choice, this weekend.
Vote today and tomorrow against the far right, and for the future.
If you want to be part of our Green movement for a fairer and greener Europe, here’s what you can do:
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Hey! Let's vote together this week for the European Elections. I'm voting Green for a better future. Join me? 🌍💚
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With the financial support of the European Parliament.
Sole liability remains with the author.