Don't miss what's going on this summer!

Newsletter #198


Howdy Comrades, 


Get ready for a summer of solidarity! Check out the exciting events we have coming up and get involved! 


Stay hydrated, stay cool, and stay safe! 


June General Meeting will be at The Montrose Center!

This month's chapter general meeting will be held at the Montrose Center at 7pm on June 13th. Join us as we come together in community for updates from our working groups and campaigns, and also to engage in political discussions pertaining to local/state/national matters. When required, DSA members conduct chapter business like debating and voting on resolutions and endorsements, and voting to elect steering committee members and national convention delegates. All general meetings are open to the public and can be attended virtually via Zoom. The Zoom link will be provided on the RSVP confirmation page. 


Win Back Our Schools Campaign

We've been busy taking stock of our skills and brainstorming actions/goals, and are currently scheduling a longer strategy session later this month to formalize our goals for this campaign. Lately we've been focusing on HISD's proposed bond measure for $4.4 billion to rebuild/update infrastructure, address safety concerns, and create more opportunities for preK enrollment and career & technical education. Members of our campaign and comrades from HISD, CVPE, and other nearby school districts have been attending info sessions posted by the district to learn more about the bond and to advocate for voting no on the bond, i.e. "No Trust, No Bond." We don't trust this unelected administration to spend the funds as promised, or in an equitable way.


Join us for the next Win Back Our Schools Campaign meeting that will take place at 7pm on June 12th virtually via zoom. Click below to RSVP and the Zoom link will be provided on the RSVP confirmation page. 


Palestinian Liberation Working Group


Film Screening

Join Houston DSA for a screening of Pride (2014). Based on a true story in the UK, the movie follows Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners (LGSM), a queer alliance dedicated to supporting the British miners’ strike in 1984-1985. As we observe Pride Month, we remind ourselves that the original Pride was a riot. It is an answer to violent state repression, persecution, discrimination, and theocratic authoritarianism. It is part of a wave of revolutionary thought that connects the liberation of LGBTQIA+ folks with women’s rights, immigrant rights, climate justice, abolition, worker solidarity, and a free Palestine. Our struggles for collective liberation are inextricably linked, and the film reminds us that solidarity is a movement led by a diverse and unshakeable working class and not by pinkwashing corporations. Join us for a film with refreshments and a discussion to follow.


The screening will take place on Sunday, June 23rd from 1:00pm to 5:00pm. 


More Happening in June

Saturday Morning Socialism

Saturday June 15th, 10:00am - 12:00pm

Labor Working Group Meeting

Wednesday June 19th, 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Palestinian Liberation Working Group Meeting

Thursday June 20th, 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Political Education Working Group Meeting

Tuesday June 25th, 7:00pm - 8:00pm

Abolition Working Group Meeting

Thursday June 27th, 7:00pm - 8:30pm




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