Fully Funding our Veterans Programs

This week, I voted YES on the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs funding bill.

I am proud to support this bill that provides increased investment for our veterans and ensures their healthcare, benefits, and VA programs are fully funded.

I was also able to include important language in this bill that cracks down on the use of Chinese-made medical devices in our VA clinics.

My colleagues and I on the committee are working to rein in federal spending while prioritizing our veterans who have sacrificed so much for this nation.

Speaking at the Washington Energy Summit

This week, I attended the Washington Energy Summit and spoke with several ambassadors and top American and international energy leaders about the challenges our energy producers have been facing, as well as how to overcome the hurdles in generation, transmission, and distribution

We also discussed how important it is that the United States decreases their reliance on foreign adversaries like the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Russia for materials needed in nuclear development and electrical vehicle manufacturing.

We produce energy cleaner and safer than anywhere else in the world, and it is my priority to invest in our domestic resources. Whether it be hydropower, nuclear, oil, wind, or solar, ensuring that the United States is not only energy independent, but also energy dominant, is of the utmost importance so our families can access clean, safe, and affordable energy.

Briefing NAM on Energy Priorities

On Wednesday, I briefed the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) on energy priorities.

I spoke about my work as Chairman of the Western Caucus and the work I am doing in the energy and environment space, as well as my perspective on permitting reform and energy security.

America is blessed with vast resources, a well-trained workforce, and the best technology in the world, allowing us to be an energy and manufacturing powerhouse if we choose to be one. But due to burdensome bureaucratic red-tape and new energy mandates, our producers are put at a disadvantage.

In order for the United States to achieve full energy security, energy projects across the country must be allowed to succeed, and I will continue to do everything I can as both your representative and Chairman of the Western Caucus to ensure our energy needs are met. 

Meeting with the Washington Farm Bureau

This week, I spoke with Rosella Mosby, State President of the Washington Farm Bureau, and LaRae Ross of Snohomish County.

The Washington Farm Bureau represents all the hardworking farmers, ranchers, and producers throughout our state, and it is always a pleasure to catch up with them.

Western Caucus Corner

This week, I invited Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (TN-03), Chair of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy, Water Development, and Related Agencies, to join me for my Western Caucus Chairman's Chat.

The Chairman's Chat is a video series I host that highlights Western Caucus Members, their priorities, and issues facing rural America.

On this episode, we discussed the importance of nuclear energy, hydropower, and an all-of-the-above energy approach.

Visit the Western Caucus YouTube Channel for More Episodes 

Services My Office Provides

Having trouble navigating the bureaucratic red-tape of a federal agency? Need assistance with VA benefits? Looking to book a tour of our nation's capital?

Visit my website to see all the services my office provides.

Seeking Paid Fall Interns

Are you a currently an undergraduate student or recent college graduate interested in learning about the legislative process firsthand in the heart of our nation?

If so, I am currently seeking paid congressional interns for the Fall 2024 term. The internships are in-person and will run from September to the end of November. Dates are flexible.

Visit My Website to Apply
It is an honor and a privilege to serve you in Congress. To stay up to date on how I am working to represent Central Washington, I encourage you to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can also find regular updates on my website.

Dan Newhouse
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