TakeAction Minnesota Weekly Wrap  


Dear John,

At TakeAction, we repeatedly ask ourselves this key question: Do we have the power to win the world we want? The answer yesterday, today, and tomorrow as well, is a resounding “no.” So we commit every day to a theory of change that recognizes relationships are the source of our collective power and organizing to build base and campaign for the world we deserve. We’re grateful to do this work with all of you, and we hope you’ll join us to invest in our work next week at our Annual Fundraiser. Check out details and register, or make a donation if you can’t attend.


In our News Digest we often lift up what we’re up against and where we’re finding hope in movements for justice. For this week’s News Digest, ahead of our fundraiser, we want to share and celebrate some highlights of what we at TakeAction have built over the past year of organizing and campaigning. Check it out.


Here's what we’re reading, watching, and listening to this week. 


1. Prescription drug affordability 

In 2023, Big Pharma collectively made BILLIONS of dollars in profits, while people across the country struggled to afford life saving prescription drugs. Four years ago after hearing stories of TakeAction members rationing life saving medicine because the cost was too high, we launched a campaign to create the Prescription Drug Affordability Board and last year we won..

2. Busy Voter's Guide 

Every year we put together our Busy Voter’s Guide because we want to make sure every Minnesotan has what they need to cast their ballot. The guide tells you all you need to know, from the dates to the candidates, ways to submit your ballot and how to register, and everything in between! In 2022, 118,224 folks accessed voting support through our guide. This year, we’re aiming to support 500,000 Minnesotans in casting their ballots. 

3. Minnesota Parents and Caregivers

In April, as part of our campaigning for the Great Start Affordability Program this session, TakeAction’s Minnesota United Parents & Caregivers came together for a day of lobbying and advocating for families. Our leader Corinne Martin shared her story and vision for the power parents and caregivers can build together. “We just want what’s best for our families. I encourage all of us parents to really feel how powerful we deserve to be. We’re the majority of the workforce, we’re the ones doing the work to make this a great state, all while raising the next generation.” 

4. MPS budget cuts  

Amidst historic budget cuts hitting Minneapolis public schools, this same parent team joined a coalition of parents, community organizations, and educators to push back. Lindsey Turner from TakeAction voiced her frustration, saying, "I am angry because as a parent and organizer I know we deserve so much more – parents shouldn't have to be fighting for crumbs." 

5. Vote Uncommitted

The momentum behind voting “Uncommitted” was strongest with younger voters, who have have expressed serious discontent with many Biden Administration policies. This not only signaled loud and clear potential challenges for Biden's re-election but also underscores a growing shift in the political landscape. Young people are changing the way they engage with elections, becoming deeply engaged, vehemently opposed to the Republican Party, but also increasingly critical of the Democratic Party. We’re excited that we talk to young voters day in and day out in the field, helping to build a political paradigm that listens to and empowers young voters.

6. Duluth Tenants

While the median rent continues to rise in Duluth, so does the demand for housing. Many Duluth renters struggle to find affordable housing on the standard that it doesn’t consume more than 30% of your income. We understand that housing is a human right which is why our Duluth Tenants Union is organizing to fight back against the corporate greed that is plaguing Duluthians’ lives. That means f​​ighting for tenants’ rights, building renter power, and pushing for policy change.

7. Twin Cities United Performers

Our Twin Cities United Performers hosted a fantastic pop-up show at The Green Room to advocate for better pay for musicians from streaming services. TCUP is passionately supporting groundbreaking legislation that would establish a new royalty system, ensuring payments go directly from streaming platforms to artists. If you’re a musician or a music lover, join TCUP for their open meetings or check out all the other ways to learn more about their initiatives and get involved!

8. The track to 100% carbon free

Following up on the passage of the 100% bill last session, environmental justice groups are leading the organizing around the implementation of the bill to ensure that things like nuclear and incinerators aren't included as healthy solutions for our communities. We’ve talked about the disproportionate impact the HERC incinerator has on North Minneapolis residents and refuse to let this environmental oppression continue. On June 11th, please  join this coalition for the virtual campaign launch around the rulemaking & implementation of Minnesota’s 100% Carbon Free by 2040 Law!  

9. 2024 Pride activities: the right link this time

Whoops! Last week I totally sent the wrong link so let's try this again. I can't wait for Pride Month this year and plan to attend as many events as possible! If you're looking to celebrate the queer community and have an amazing time, check out these fun things to do!

10. Mild Manner 

If you’re going to join us at our Annual Fundraiser next Thursday, lucky you! Local band Mild Manner is going to be performing and I’m prepping by listening to their latest album Over / /Grow. Check it out!

And that’s a wrap!

Send us what you’re reading, watching and listening to.

Until next time,

Ayanna Lee (they/she)
Digital Manager