Hey Team!
Welcome to our weekly Bowman Newsletter, for shout-outs, updates, and future events. As valued members of #TeamBowman, your dedication, and hard work are driving our campaign toward victory. Here's what's been happening and what's coming up:
Appear in our ad! We're filming our last TV ad, and we want all of our volunteers in it! Come to Tibbetts Brook Park in Yonkers at 12:30pm this Sunday. And wear your Jamaal shirt or a shirt for an org you're a part of.
The clock is ticking… Early voting is coming up next weekend (June 15th - 23rd) and the primary is in 18 days. Pressure is building and there is a lot going against us, but organized people beat organized money every time, so if we keep this momentum up, we will win. This week, we’ve already knocked on 8,000 doors and made over 100,000 calls to voters throughout the district about why the election is so critical. Volunteers - like you - are doing the hard work that keeps the campaign strong, showing up for Bowman throughout the district! Thanks to your tireless efforts, momentum is building across NY16. We need to keep this up; We must kick it into high drive and get all hands on deck for Bowman!
New volunteer opportunity: Can’t make our canvass times? Have some extra time on your hands? Swing by Bowman HQ for Grab & Go canvass any day of the week, whenever works for you. Sign up now!
We're hosting an interfaith dinner for our closest supporters on Friday, June 14th in Hastings. Please sign up here to attend!
Looking to have a blast while supporting Congressman Bowman's campaign? We have some exciting events this weekend:
New Rochelle House Party on Friday from 5pm-7pm! RSVP here.
Tarrytown House Party on Saturday from 7pm-9pm! RSVP here.
Art Build Pizza Party, Sunday from 5.309pm, at Bowman HQ to celebrate and unwind after a week of strong canvassing! Join your fellow canvassers and bowman believers for dinner, sweet treats, board games, music, and painting. Sign up here!!
Baychester community fun day and canvass from 2-5pm at the Edenwald Track and Field. Sign up here.
Elmsford House Party on Sunday from 3pm-5:30pm! RSVP here.
Nosh and Knock with Jews for Jamaal - Join other Jews for Jamaal on Sunday, from 10:30am to 2pm for a nosh, hear from local leaders, then knock on some doors! Sign up here.
Sip & Reach Party: Textbank Your Friends in Tuckahoe! - Join us in-person and learn how to mobilize your friends and family for Jamaal. Cold drinks and snacks provided. Sign up here.

Also, don’t forget to join us at our canvassing events throughout the district:
Mamaroneck Canvass on Saturday at 3pm. Sign up here.
Edenwald Canvass on Friday at 3pm and Sunday at 3pm. Sign up here.
Greenburgh Canvass on Friday at 5pm. Sign up here.
Elmsford/Greenburgh Canvass on Friday at 5pm. Sign up here.
Mount Vernon Canvass on Friday at 6pm, Saturday at 11am and 2pm, and Sunday at 11am and 2pm. Sign up here.
Tuckahoe Canvass on Friday at 6pm. Sign up here.
New Rochelle Canvass on Friday at 6pm, Saturday at 11am and 3pm, and Sunday at 11am and 3pm. Sign up here.
Pelham Canvass on Saturday at 10am and Sunday at 10am. Sign up here.
Bronx Canvass on Saturday at 10 am. Sign up here.
Portchester Canvass on Saturday at 11am and 3pm, Sunday at 11am and 3pm. Sign up here.
Yonkers Canvass on Saturday at 11am and 3 pm, Sunday at 11am. Sign up here.
White Plains Canvass on Saturday at 12 pm and 3 pm, Sunday at 12pm and 3pm. Sign up here.
Irvington Canvass on Saturday at 3pm. Sign up here.
Dobbs Ferry Canvass on Sunday at 3pm. Sign up here.
Don’t forget to join our post-canvas Art Build Pizza Party on Sunday at Bowman HQ! Sign up here!!
Can’t make it in person? No worries! Check the weekly phone banking events:
Saturday, Jun 8: Baddies for Bowman phonbank with sunrise at 2pm. Sign up here.
Mondays: Muslims for Bowman Phonebank at 6pm. Sign up here.
Mondays/Thursdays/Friday: Youth voters phone bank at 5pm. Sign up here.
Tuesdays/Thursdays/Fridays: Black Voters for Bowman Phonebank. Sign up here.
Tuesdays/Thursdays: Ball out for Jamaal Recruitment Phonebank with Sunrise at 5 pm and 6 pm Sign up here.
Tuesdays/Thursdays/Sundays: Phonebank with Protect Our Power at 5 pm and 6 pm. Sign up here.
Wednesdays/Saturdays: Phonebank with SURJ at 1 pm and 6 pm. Sign up here.
Thursdays: Jews for Jamaal Phonebank at 6 pm. Sign up here.
Primaries are coming quickly! Voter registration is still open until June 15th, so make sure everyone you know can vote is registered. Register to vote here. Check your registration here and poll site here. The Democratic Primary is set for June 25th, early voting starts June 15th and runs through June 23rd. Need a mail-in ballot? Request one here before June 15th.
Triple the vote: Get three friends, neighbors, colleagues, your family, etc. to vote for Bowman!!
Stay updated:
Keep an eye on our Mobilize to see upcoming events
Follow @Jamaalbowmanny on Instagram to see all the incredible things Cong. Bowman is doing
Read about Jamaal, the race, voting, and donating on the campaign site.
Want to show your love for Bowman? Looking for Bowman merchandise and yard signs? Shop here!
Finally, if you have any chairs, carpets, or sofas you’d be willing to give or lend to the campaign for our office, or if you have anything else you think we could use, please email [email protected]
Thank you for showing up for Rep. Bowman <3 This campaign is people-powered, and we literally couldn’t do this without you. I hope to see you all out in the field this weekend!
Peace and Love,
Team Bowman