John —

Growing up in Sioux City, this was always my favorite time of year: The feeling of a warm breeze on a front porch; the thick smell of a bright rain; and the sound of kids playing into the wee hours of the evening; School is out, and summer has arrived!

As a kid, I knew summer was a special time, but as an adult, I know why it's so special — because this is the best time of year to build a community, a movement.

Summer has a lot going for it, the days are longer, the weather is warmer, and there are just more opportunities for people to get together and talk to our neighbors. Plus, who isn't in a better mood when you can grab some ice cream and enjoy the sun?

But this is also the best time to build our grassroots movement and to stand up for hard-working Iowans and their families! We can knock on doors, march in pride parades, and start laying the groundwork for a community-centered movement that can stand up for our rights.

This year, we are facing a hard-line conservative who isn't right for our community and will take his orders from Kim Reynolds and extremist media. Our community deserves better. We need a movement that will stand up for abortion rights, bring good-paying jobs to our community, and fight for the needs of our entire community.

That's why I am building this movement, and this summer will be pivotal for our future, because if we strengthen our grassroots organizing today, nothing will be able to stop us in November. Can I count on you to chip in $11 today and help us build a movement this summer that will fight for our community in November?

Stand Tall for All,


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