Happy Pride Month, John!

Each June, cities across Washington hold festivals, parades, and countless events to celebrate love, humanity, and those who fought for LGBTQ+ rights.

I still remember hearing about the Stonewall riots — the violence and hate that protesters suffered — and witnessing the galvanizing effect it had on the LGBTQ+ community. Now, more than fifty years later, we have many victories for LGBTQ+ rights to celebrate — marriage equality, adoption rights, protections from discrimination, and many more.

But the drive for equality is not over. Some states have implemented don't-say-gay laws, policies to undermine a parent's right to help trans children receive medical care, and other draconian measures – all compounded by the resurgent hate, violence, and intimidation of extremist groups and individuals.

And this hate doesn't only occur in far off states, John. You may remember in 2022, just across the Washington-Idaho border in Coeur-D'Alene, Idaho, a group of more than 30 masked white nationalists attempted to disrupt a Pride celebration with shields and smoke grenades. Their goal was to intimidate and scare the LGBTQ+ community – publicly and brazenly. Fortunately, law enforcement stopped them before they got violent, but the menace of their arrival was an unwelcome distraction on a day of joy.

Then, just last month, vandals poured an accelerant on a pride flag mural and set it ablaze. Destroying the mural, and striking a cord of fear into local residents. But this wasn't thousands of miles away, or even next door in Idaho, it happened in Spokane, Washington.

Hate is still present, even in Washington state.

But hate has no place in our country. So we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our LGBTQ+ friends, family, and neighbors in order to displace hate and foster the conversations that lead to understanding and love.

As Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate, I am working to protect LGBTQ+ rights and rescue our civic health because there is no other way to end the hate and threats endured by LGBTQ+ individuals and communities.

But we can only continue this work if we win in November. So if you are able, please donate $3 today to help us continue increasing civic health and standing up for LGBTQ+ rights here in Washington state.

Thank you,


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