A Women's Place

Hi team, I wanted to check in as we ramp things up here at A Woman’s Place PAC. We’re at a turning point approaching the 2024 election, and I’m convinced electing more women to Congress is one big way we can meet this moment.

Right now the GOP is in an all-out assault on reproductive freedom and women’s rights, from the SCOTUS bench to state houses. It’s infuriating and scary that our grandchildren have fewer rights than we did, and we only have so much time to turn it around.

The GOP will not stop until they’ve banned abortion at the federal level.

Are you with me and ready to stop them — instantly add your name here >>

Choice and reproductive rights aren’t all that’s at stake: childcare funding, expanding women’s healthcare, equal work for equal pay. There are so many issues on the table that have an outsized impact on women, so we need women in Congress who know firsthand what’s on the line to represent us in the fight.

That’s why the work we’re doing at A Woman’s Place is so critical. If we don’t make electing women who will fight for our rights a priority in 2024, we may not get this chance to change again.

Here’s why it’s so important to elect more women to the House:
With men making up 71% of Congress:
  • Our rights are being stripped away
  • Egos and power are put before the people
  • The welfare of women and children is not a priority
  • Diverse perspectives are not being given a platform
Ready for a change? Instantly sign on to support choice and women >>

With more women in Congress:
  • We can fight for CHOICE
  • We can expand childcare, education, and women’s healthcare
  • Our perspectives and leadership styles can refocus policy
  • Families can be made a priority
Sound better? Instantly sign on to help us get it done >>

There’s one thing that women undeniably know how to do: FIGHT HARD. Because we’ve been stepped on, told we’re not good enough, and batted down at every turn — but we won’t ever stop fighting for our rights.

And I won’t ever stop fighting to protect our right to choose and to elect more women to Congress. If you’re with me, then sign on now to help us get it done >>


Mary Gay Scanlon, A Woman’s Place PAC



The contemporary political landscape is filled with progressive women who are running for elected office up and down the ballot, who possess a true vision of equality for this country's future. A Woman's Place seeks to support their efforts by providing financial resources to embrace this tongue-in-cheek idea of what a woman's place should be.

We help put women where they belong: positions of political leadership throughout all levels of government.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. All contributions are made to support A Woman's Place PAC's general mission and are not designated for any specific activity.

A Woman's Place PAC
PO Box 15320
Washington, DC 20003
United States

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