Team, today is National Gun Violence Awareness Day.
As we were reflecting on what to say, we couldn’t help but read Pat’s from message last year. All of his words still ring true. He could have written this today. Because the House Republican majority has knelt down to the gun lobby and failed to take action, the gun violence epidemic has only worsened. And the cycle continues.
Pat has been consistent on this issue, informed by his time in the Army and serving overseas to protect this country. Don’t just take our word for it, it’s been reported on for years.

We’d like you to take a moment and read Pat’s message, but before you do, we want to leave you with two ways you can take action.
- This weekend is Wear Orange weekend, and we need everyone to stand up and demand action to end gun violence. Click here to sign up and attend an event near you.
- Add your name to Pat’s petition calling on House Republicans to step up and finally allow meaningful gun safety legislation to come up for a vote. Inaction is not an answer, and we need as many folks to speak up as we can.
Together in the fight,
Team Pat Ryan
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From: Pat Ryan <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, Jun 2, 2023
Subject: We can't let the gun lobby win
To: <[email protected]>
Hi — Today is National Gun Violence Awareness Day. In the first six months of 2023, over 17,000 Americans have lost their lives to gun violence, including 755 children under the age of 18 and 268 people who have been killed during a mass shooting.
We have a problem.
Starting with the fact that those numbers will be higher by the time you receive this email. More Americans will die tragically, senselessly, and due, at least in part, to inaction by too many of our elected leaders.
As a Representative, nothing is more important to me than your safety, the safety of our kids, and our ability to live without the fear of violence. Yet, year after year after year, Washington refuses to take meaningful action. That inaction has led to countless deaths and shattered families.
Our schools and our streets are beginning to feel like war zones. The same weapons I carried in combat are gunning down 3rd graders. There’s absolutely no excuse.
Most Americans support gun safety laws that will keep weapons out of the hands of those who shouldn't have them and prevent weapons of war from killing our neighbors in supermarkets or movie theaters or nightclubs or playgrounds. So, why the hell haven’t we done it?
Because too many lawmakers, particularly on the far-right, are afraid.
- They need the gun lobby to continue writing them checks for their campaigns, so they do nothing.
- They fear negative television ads and mailers from extremist groups, so they do nothing.
- They know that the loudest voice in the room usually gets the attention, and the goons at the NRA, they’ve got a giant megaphone... so they do nothing.
They have chosen their political preservation over American lives. It’s the single most gutless thing I have ever experienced. And it has to change.
To the countless families deeply impacted by gun violence, I want you to know I will always have your back. I will do everything and anything I can to prevent another tragedy. I know that’s not enough. But we remain in this fight together, and the majority of Americans stand with us. We will make progress. We have no other choice.
Yours in service,