Finding solutions to homelessness
At the Solutions Utah “Ending Homelessness in Utah” conference, we reaffirmed our commitment to helping our homeless friends. There is nothing compassionate, humane or dignified about allowing someone to sleep on our streets. These are real people with real stories, and they deserve our respect and our help finding the mental and behavioral resources they need.
Utah now has H.B. 298 which established the new Utah Homeless Services Board, alongside new requirements for systemic accountability, which has already benefited our community. The Utah Office of Homeless Services in the first term is also working to ensure we keep shelters open and resources available. If we create additional capacity in the system, which is the key to greater amounts of enforcement, then we can provide our homeless brothers and sisters with an option to either access wrap-around treatment and services, or face repercussions for the illicit drug-use, camping, trespass, and crime that often coincide with chronic homelessness.
Thank you to The Other Side Academy for hosting this conversation.