
JOhn, it's time to end inequality in parental leave. We need your help. 

Laws matter. Sex discrimination in law restricts women from being economically independent and reinforces gender stereotypes, which are harmful to men too.

In 1995 governments pledged to remove all sex discriminatory laws. But it’s now 25 years later and gender equality is far from being realized.

We need your help to hold governments to account for the commitments they have made to remove all sex discriminatory laws. Unequal parental leave laws assume that the responsibility of childcare falls on women. This could inhibit women’s full economic participation in society.

In Switzerland, the law gives women 14 weeks of paid maternity leave, but there is no requirement to provide any paternity leave at all for men.

This inequality perpetuates gender roles in the home, assuming women are primarily responsible for childcare and restricting women’s economic independence.

This is not acceptable. Call on President Maurer to turn words into deeds and provide equal parental leave for men and women.

In Solidarity 

Bryna Subherwal

Advocacy Campaign Manager