Hunters should have to wear orange, not our kids.
We wear orange in June for gun violence awareness month, where we show our strong solidarity with the victims and survivors of gun violence and to demand a future free from gun violence.
As part of that effort, Moms Demand Action has put Orange ribbons in downtown Rochester for this Wear Orange Weekend, but we can’t stop there.
Safety isn’t about being afraid of guns. In Michigan, safe, responsible gun use is a way of life. And like so many people calling for action, I grew up in the country where using guns safely was a way of life.
My goal, like so many other mothers’ goal, is to bring the community together and instill the changes needed to save lives.
But unfortunately, for the MAGA right this isn’t about safety, this is ultimately about money. Because John James has taken well over half a million dollars from the NRA, and that means:
- James has called on getting more parents' guns as his safety plan.
- James also opposes limits on buying automatic-repeating assault rifles and opposes background checks of any type.
Think about that. He wants our kids to be safer by providing more of what’s killing them, and asking for less training and accountability for those enabling the violence.
We must never put the needs of everyday Michigan families behind special interest dollars – especially when lives are at stake. And here in MI-10, we have a real shot at ousting an extremist who wants to keep our kids in jeopardy.
If you’re with me and would like to make John James a one-term congressman, chip in $10, or whatever you can, to fight back.
For a better Michigan for all that’s free of gun violence,