No matter whether you live in a red state or a blue state, whether your senator is up for re-election this year or not, or what Donald Trump or Joe Biden’s chances are of winning your state’s electoral votes — your community can make a difference in this election.

John — no matter whether you live in a red state or a blue state, whether your senator is up for re-election this year or not, or what Donald Trump or Joe Biden’s chances are of winning your state’s electoral votes — your community can make a difference in this election.

Voting is the sacred duty of every American. It is a right that generations have struggled and died to win for generations they would not live to see — but they believed in the promise of America, if only we could one day realize the promise of our founding ideals.

But voting is not the only way to make an impact in November. All across the country, hundreds of thousands of Democrats are making small contributions, knocking on doors, making phone calls, and sending text messages to turn out voters in their communities and across the country.

Today, they’re hoping people like you in Philadelphia will join them by pitching in a donation before our FEC fundraising deadline. Will you?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

With barely five months to go until the election, every moment is precious — and every fundraising deadline carries an outsized impact on our ability to reach the voters we need to win.

I hope you understand just how significant your support is. Thank you.

With love and gratitude,
