This new polling update from The Hill shows that this race is a dead heat, so we need to start communicating with Maryland voters ASAP. ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏
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Folks, I wanted to make sure you saw this urgent polling update in my Maryland Senate race:

Maryland Senate Poll from The Hill: Angela Alsobrooks leads at 43.5% to Larry Hogan's 42.9%


Here's the situation: Mitch McConnell recruited Republican Larry Hogan into Maryland’s Senate race to try to flip our open seat RED. Now, I’m locked in THE battleground race that will decide who controls the Senate in November.

Here's the problem: This new polling update from The Hill shows that this race is a dead heat, so we need to start communicating with Maryland voters ASAP. But, unfortunately we’ve seen a major downturn in grassroots donations following our BIG Democratic primary win.

Here's the solution: We need to raise $50,000 today to get our fundraising back on track to make sure we have the resources to communicate with voters and close the gap in this competitive Senate race.

Will you pitch in a donation split between my campaign and Lisa Blunt Rochester to help us hit our critical daily fundraising goal and defeat Republican Larry Hogan in November? In a race this close, every dollar you can give makes a HUGE difference.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be split between Angela Alsobrooks and Lisa Blunt Rochester immediately:

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Let’s go!

– Angela Alsobrooks