World Health Organization Update: World Health Assembly recap

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The World Health Assembly Postponed the Pandemic Treaty
But did Vote on Amended International Health Regulations 

A Voice for Choice Advocacy works closely with Stand for Health Freedom, and is their representative organization in California.  Stand for Health Freedom has been following the World Health Organization (WHO) and keeping tabs on what they are up to with regard to their Pandemic Treaty and International Health Regulations (IHR).  Last week the voting body of the World Health Organization (WHO) met in their annual meeting known as the World Health Assembly (WHA). The Pandemic Treaty negotiations were extended a year, and the assembly claimed to have adopted amendments to the IHR. Of course, those highly anticipated items were not the only things on the agenda.

Stand for Health Freedom has taken an in-depth look at the IHR amendments, as well as summarized select notable meetings from WHA77.


Countries have 10 months to reject or otherwise oppose the IHR amendment package, which coincidentally brings us to April 1, 2025 — April Fools’ Day. 

There is a lot of work to do in the coming years, and of course it would be foolish to say the treaty and the IHR are anything more than the tip of the iceberg.  How do we move forward?  As we close the chapter of the 2024 WHA, which ended with a cliff-hanger, SHF and AVFCA will continue to focus on action steps and information that is strategic and meaningful to our communities.

We watch what globalists do, not what they say, and remain vigilant.  The strength of the globalists comes from moving under the cover of darkness — that’s why censorship is central to their plans. Our job is to continue speaking out about this and electing officials who will stand for our health freedoms! 

SHF and AVFCA will continue to monitor the World Health Assembly and send a more updates as it progresses. 

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Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]






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