A Living New Deal, New York City Chapter Webinar Via Zoom
Tuesday, June 25, 2024, 6 pm EDT
“The Best of Brawls: FDR, La Guardia, Moses,
and the Making of the Model New Deal City”

 with Professors Kimberley Johnson and Mason Williams
and New York Times columnist, Terry Golway

No stranger set of political bedfellows has ever worked together more effectively, than those who remade America’s greatest city. President Franklin Roosevelt, Mayor Fiorello La Guardia, and “master builder” Robert Moses were all men of towering talents and egos—at least two of whom deeply hated each other. How they transformed the devastated metropolis that was New York into a great, working- and middle-class city—one of the outstanding achievements of the New Deal—is the subject of our next webinar from The Living New Deal, New York City Chapter.

Kimberley Johnson is a professor of social and cultural analysis at New York University, whose research is focused on cities and urban political development. She is the author of several articles and books including the forthcoming, Dark Concrete: The Rise and Fall of Black Power Urbanism, 1960-1980

Terry Golway is author, most recently, of "I Never Did Like Politics": How Fiorello La Guardia Became America’s Mayor, and Why He Still Matters (St. Martin’s). He a longtime journalist and an adjunct professor of US History at The College of Staten Island.

Mason B. Williams is Associate Professor of Leadership Studies and Political Science at Williams College. His first book, City of Ambition: FDR, La Guardia, and the Making of Modern New York (Norton), was a New York Times Book Review editors’ choice. His next book, In Search of a Democratic City: Race, Inequality, and the Remaking of New York, will be out next summer. His writing and commentary have appeared in the The AtlanticDissent, The New RepublicNew York magazine, New York Daily News, The New York Times, The New York Times Book Review and The Washington Post.
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