Your Intentions: Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart, June 7,
submit your intentions

Dear Friend,
If you have not had an opportunity to do so, please submit
your personal intentions to be included in the
Holy Mass on the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of
In June of 2007, while Archbishop
of Saint Louis, Cardinal Burke dedicated a new Shrine of the Most Sacred Heart of
Jesus, in the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis. His Eminence
enthroned a mosaic image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, created by the
Vatican Mosaic Studio, in the Cathedral Basilica, while leading a
prayer of consecration of the entire Archdiocese to our Lord’s Most
Sacred Heart.

A painting of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which hangs in the
Dining Room of the Archbishop's Residence was used as a model for the
mosaic image. Cardinal Burke explained that “although the Archdiocese
has not been able to identify the author of the painting, it is a most
striking representation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, inspiring
meditation on the great mystery of God's love for us and, at the same
time, a response of love of God, on our part.”
During the blessing and
enthronement, Cardinal Burke prayed that all who come to the Shrine
and venerate the image be given “the grace of growing in the likeness
of Christ.”
As we celebrate the great Solemnity
today, let us meditate on Cardinal Burke’s words, from an Operation
Storm Heaven Holy Mass homily.
“The heart of Jesus in fact
represents the whole of the mystery of faith, the whole of the paschal
mystery, the mystery of the redemptive incarnation, for it represents
that constant immeasurable outpouring of divine grace from the
glorious heart of Jesus assumed into heaven upon the Church and into
the souls of all the faithful. We know that Our Lord is always true
to His promise – for us, our salvation, our eternal salvation and we
see in the heart of Jesus, the glorious pierced heart of Jesus, the
sign of that fidelity of the Lord to His promises, the anchor of our
Here are some suggestions for
honoring the Sacred Heart of Jesus throughout the year:
- Consider
receiving Holy Communion on nine consecutive First Fridays, in honor
of and in reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
- Carry
your cross and heavy burdens daily out of love for the Sacred Heart
and say with great affection: “Heart of Jesus, be my
In all my temptations, I place my
trust in you, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In all my weakness, I place my
trust in you, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In all my difficulties, I place my
trust in you, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In all my trials, I place my trust
in you, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In all my sorrows, I place my trust
in you, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In all my work, I place my trust in
you, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In every failure, I place my trust
in you, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In every discouragement, I place my
trust in you, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In life and in death, I place my
trust in you, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In time and eternity, I place my
trust in you, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Source: The Essential Catholic Prayer Book, Liguori
O most Holy Heart of Jesus,
fountain of every blessing, I adore You, I love You, and with a lively
sorrow for my sins, I offer You this poor heart of mine. Make me
humble, patient, pure, and wholly obedient to Your will. Grant, good
Jesus, that I may live in You and for You. Protect me in the midst of
danger; comfort me in my afflictions. Give me health of body,
assistance in my temporal needs, (mention your personal intentions
here) Your blessing on all that I do, and the grace of a holy death.
Let us continue to Storm Heaven,
invoking the Heart of Jesus, who is rich in mercy and love, to have
mercy on us and on the whole world!
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas J. McKenna Founder and President Catholic Action For
Faith And Family
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