Image courtesy of National Archives, 111-SC-320901

                                                                                                                 Image courtesy of National Archives, 111-SC-320901


Aloha Hawaii Republican Party Ohana,

Today, we honor the brave American heroes and allied troops who stormed the beaches of Normandy 80 years ago. On this solemn anniversary of D-Day, we reflect on the incredible courage and sacrifice of those who fought to preserve our liberties.

The events of June 6, 1944, stand as a testament to the indomitable spirit and unwavering resolve of the men who faced unimaginable odds to secure a future of freedom and democracy. Among them, 2,501 Americans paid the ultimate sacrifice, their lives given so that the ideals we hold dear could endure.

Without their bravery, the free world would not be what it is today. Their legacy is a beacon of hope and a reminder of the profound impact of their actions. As we remember their heroic deeds, we are reminded of the responsibility we bear to honor their memory by cherishing and protecting the liberties they fought so valiantly to defend.

May God bless these American heroes today and every day. Let us continue to draw inspiration from their courage and dedication as we work together to uphold the values they so honorably defended.

With heartfelt mahalo and respect,

Tamara McKay

State Chair, Hawaii Repulican Party

Image courtesy of National Archives, 111-SC-190305